
meh barcodescanner cannot read it.

More power to the consumer? You mean less. Because right now in Europe when you have unlocked phone you just come to any store, buy a SIM card which is several bucks, insert it and it works.

Most of the "quality" content on TV is stupid reality shows. I'd rather watch lolcats on youtube.

Maybe the problem is that the houses are made of paper in US.

I am looking at my Coke Zero can and I see similar dent. Looking outside the window I still see cloudy California. So I haven't been teleported to Japan.

I don't see any droids.

@Clint Coady: I think storing A/S/L data by terminal is a serious privacy breach!

Weak. She should have eaten the meal after 180 days to verify whether it is still edible.

@florida.stevo: Yes, all of them are dangerous but lithium-ion is safest of them all and it doesnt really burn that fast, lithium-polymer is quite unstable (just ask people who fly model airplanes ;-). But lithium metal is the worst. The plane that went down was carrying huge amount of (probably large capacity)

I am tired of the Galaxy Tab ads. I'd prefer one that I could buy. But alas, there is none yet, and the prices everywhere where it is announced for sale are outrageous. And they will cripple it so it will not have voice in US. So it will not replace my Nexus One. And Samsung will not get my money.

@Dizznizzle: Indeed, I have one Pair of iQ 3 and one of iQ 30 and I love both. KEF FTW!

Ehh, if only HTC added a steel ring around the lens, he could use little magnet in the lens to attach it instead of ugly contraption with the headphones jack.

Yes if they will release Maemo/MeeGo phone with actually working Exchange support. I had to get rid of my N900 because I couldn't use it with my work Exchange. Otherwise it was really slick and I liked it very much.

There is serious clothing size inflation here in US nowadays.

I guess should be closed by the police then?

#3 looks like 1200XL with 1050 disk drive.

Cute, but

@Time Pilot AKA: I think it was called Motorola Forgetable or something.