
This guy is obviously not married.

Let's see. Toshiba AC100 is considerably bigger than Nexus One, so it has beefier battery and can support CPU that uses more power.

Boot from sysrescue cd

For solving the carbon dioxide problem I would suggest planting some effing trees. Trees are these magical high tech devices that take sun rays, carbon dioxide and (non-dry) water and produce cellulose or glucose and oxygen. We can even breathe this oxygen afterwards. We or animals can eat glucose. We can use

@koolpin: I see you have found the most important part of my post which is my personal opinion of Apple hardware and completely ignored my unimportant point that Apple will gouge their fanboy even worse when buying headphones now. Good job!

So then you can buy special Apple headphones that work only with their garbage hardware. Or use a cumbersome adapter. Or use 3rd party headphones that cost more because they had to pay for a "license" to use several resistors so their connector is recognized by Apple hardware, like now with docks.

@SkipErnst: This is about a decision from The Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals (West Coast)

It doesn't really matter if you listen to MP3s.

It is a Dell. Be Happy it did not come with Windows 95.

Helium is abundant, and it is also very light, When we release it to the atmosphere it goes up and never comes back down. The helium that is stockpiled by US has been extracted from natural gas long time ago (for blimps etc). Since US stopped making them they just kept this helium and started selling it a low price.

I don't have backpack, just Cole Haan messenger bag.

Alcohol lowers neurons threshold for passing the signal further. We generally judge beauty by comparing the face we see to the face pattern we have learned. Lower threshold means higher match score so we think the face is more beautiful.

Shouldnt they "test and validate" before selling this phone? But in the light of GPS issues on Epix I am not surprised.

It's dead, Jim.

Is it onlu me or does it look like Hitler? Just add the moustache.

How about having your hands wet or dirty in the kitchen and needing a paper towel without dirtying the rest of the roll?

I think Google has enough patents of their own that they will just settle and crosslicense with Oracle.

But pirates love RAWR files!!!