
One of my issues with Archer Vice is, after promos showing Archer in a white suit and really laying in to the Miami Vice visuals, the show didn't follow it up at all - even the intro sequence is basically the same, but with a token whiff of cocaine.

Moonbeam City was both a love letter to Patrick Nagel, 80s neon and clearly inspired by Archer. I miss it.

There are are Cronenberg Rick and Morty, they're just from a third, unrelated universe they screwed up and then moved to the Cronenberg World our heroes left.

Beth has issues, yeah, but Jerry hasn't made a great case for being the guy for her to spend her life with. Maybe if she was better adjusted she'd never have even dated him, who can say?

Jerry is both one hundred percent right and absolutely deserves what he got. His marriage didn't fail because of Rick, Rick just pushed it towards a divorce which has probably been inevitable for years, as the show has sort of exhaustively covered at this point.

Right, he is a very smart guy who could probably become some kind of galactic emperor if he put his mind to it, but what he wants is to be the head of his family and have the love and respect of his daughter in the process. He's extraordinarily callous - he just knocked out two entire societies and is both directly…

There's gonna be a new Star Trek this year, and next year, a new Lost in Space, and on the Lost in Space the dad is going to be Captain Flint from Black Sails, what the hell.

We're at a point where Syfy has three different space opera shows alone, and I enjoy all of them. Having a single show like that was unthinkable in 2012.

You're half right.

I mean she definitely remembers having a mother, so she probably had a mother, it is just not outside the bounds of this show for her to remember a mother she never had.

I, uh, also heard pants.

That's right, the Expanse!*

It's such a generic looking design I was a little disappointed - the kind of work they had for like the background people.

I always kinda assumed the Federation running Earth would be something that would be resolved after Rick came back - I didn't expect it to be the same episode, but, as you say, it's not the show.

Got a few good ones in. The Hammer Morty. The Orange Rick.

Well as the end of the episode reminds us, they haven't nuked the entire expanded roster… Tammy and Phoenix Person as still in play.

I've said it before, but when we see Rick's 'memory' of what he was doing when 9/11 happened, you can hear him saying something about it being used to take away all our freedoms - a throwaway 'Rick immediately predicted the Patriot Act' background note.

In the newswire when someone suggested that maybe this isn't our Rick - we don't see him change from the controller body to the poofy hair Rick we see here - I suggested that maybe if it isn't our Rick, it could be one Evil Morty's controlling.

It feels like something that must be an actual memory of either Justin Roiland or Dan Harmon.

That's why they pay Zack the big bucks.