
Nine seasons Rick and Morty. 97 years Rick and Morty.

It's one of those things were if you pay attention to the little details, they might add up, but you absolutely don't have to do enjoy the show.

I think you're right. We never see him jump into a body of a member of the High Council, which is what that guy seems to be before he adjusts his hair to Rick's standard look - or anyway, that wasn't the hairstyle of the controller who teleported them into Federation space (the last body we saw Rick in prior to that.)


I really like Jerry, though. He's such an utter failure and putz.

I really doubt we'll see an ongoing quest for the sauce, although it might get referenced again.

I'm fine with the Galactic Federation's hold on Earth being over, because Earth is the quote unquote 'normal' part of the show's setting - it's returning to the traditional sitcom stability it normally has as an anchor to

Use the < spoiler > tag.

I kind of loved where it ended. After all,, this is TV. You gotta be able to go places with these characters, and clearly this one's got room.

I like how, in Rick's memory of where he was in 9/11, you can hear him talk about how it'll be used to justify taking away their freedoms.

He's directed three action films and none of them have been particularly great at the action part. His strengths are as a writer. A co-director at the least to pick up the slack.

This is the kind of content I want from someone with a Bob's Burger themed handle.

AV Club's been anti-Chris Brown ever since he did something that gave people an excellent reason to feel that way.

I do! Just let me know which pending account is yours and we're away to the races.

Okay, that's two movies.

Valerian's the only summer blockbuster movie I'm that enthused about, come to think of it.

Guardians seemed a bit Fifth Element, so it's kind of full circle there.

There can be a lot of ambivalence about Eastern Bloc era buildings and architecture in Eastern Europe - there's this huge, dignified mass grave to the Russian soldiers who died in Poland just outside of Warsaw, but it very clearly looks like nobody has tended to it in decades, with faded brass and weeds everywhere.

Last Kingdom's second season isn't out in the US yet, so they won't review it until it is.

They put the wagon before the horse.

I disagree: We may expect a comeuppance, but I don't think we need one. The film's gleeful amorality is its appealing quality - were it to start moralising at us, as they did consider doing, it would be unsatisfying.