Atomic Wrangler

let alone several. —> let alone several?”

It is NOT a good fucking idea to teach wild animals to associate humans with food.

You can put out a bird feeder, but that’s as far as that shit should go.


From experience I will tell you that the best people to party with at the pub are a bunch of British anarcho-communists.  

That is astonishingly accurate.

Haven’t the Brits suffered enough?

Maybe this means America will start producing more panel shows—another comedy format that’s huge in the U.K. but, with the exception of Whose Line Is It Anyway?, hasn’t quite made the jump across the pond yet.

we regret to inform you the duck is racist

In this case, the whole point of Hot Fuzz *is* that discourse. The whole idea of “quiet beauty” (Village of the Year!) built on a fundament of intolerance is pretty core, and Wright definitely knew that. 

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Baby Driver’s opening titles - “Harlem Shuffle” mixed with on point diegetic sound and visual knowing winks to the lyrics - is way better than Bellbottoms.

Poor Sparks, Two and a half hours devoted to them and they can’t even squeeze into the top 10.

I think it's Simon Pegg's best performance. 

His line reading of “super maché” is certainly sublime.

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Simon Skinner taunting Nicholas Angle Angel with Dire Straits’s Romeo And Juliet and Fire by the Crazy World of Arthur Brown doesn’t really speak to Wright’s ability as a director, but it let Timothy Dalton have a ton of fun.

This movie is gonna live or die depending on how it decides to handle the Oompa Loompas considering Wonka basically enslaved them.

It earned that rating. Saw it as a kid and the decompression chamber scene was the most disturbing thing I’d ever seen. Still gives me the willies just thinking about it.

Brosnan is my favorite Bond-I was in high-school when GoldenEye came out, so it was kind of the Bond I grew up with. I think Die Another Day is an absolutely terrible mess, but I really enjoyed GoldenEye, Tomorrow, and World.

While I think Craig has a better run overall, Brosnan was my Bond as a kid who grew up in the 80s and 90s and saw his films first in the cinema.

I think this article gets a lot right but the statement that Brosnan is ‘nobody’s favorite,’ while technically correct, seems a bit harsh to me. He’s pretty consistently rated as being among the best of the Bonds to my knowledge, and actually was the favorite of myself and several other people I know growing up. Which