Atomic Wrangler

Reeling off UK sketch shows but not mentioning That Mitchell and Webb Look? For shame

A writing staff that’s 90% male Cambridge graduates who performed in the Footlights

I remember liking License to Kill for its raw, unfiltered brutality, but I also haven’t seen it in a very long time. I know it had the highest rating of any Bond film for a long time, at least in the UK.

People who really like a game want to find new ways to make it interesting. I think that’s the core of speedrunning and speedrun viewers - they’re basically creating new content to get more value out of a thing they already enjoy.

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I’ve always been fond of this Gordon Ramsay video, which feels like a Nigella homage

More than watched it on HBO in the US, sure. Think how many people watched it in every other country, and times that by 20 for streams and torrents

You’re drastically overestimating the number of people who play games like The Last of Us. It sold 17 million copies in five years - that’s a quarter of a drop in the ocean in terms of a global TV audience.

Look at the comments on any Facebook post and tell me that with a straight face

I haven’t seen the movie, but I did hear correspondence on it from actual military wives, who found it accurate to their experiences. It seems to have bit of grit to go with the froth, too, so take that for what you will

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Having literally just put out a video about playing the original for the first time (I’ve completed it twice now, mostly to record footage), I’d honestly suggest playing the new one first, and then checking out the original if you really can’t wait to get back into that world. I found it fascinating as a historical

Interesting that the BBC is massively scaling back its UK kids news show, Newsround, and is instead investing in this. They announced today that they were shelving another award-winning news show too due to cost-cutting.

They are British celebrities, which is who the show is made for

The world is frequently a cruel and bleak place - you can either recognise that and find the absurdity in it, or distract people from it. That’s not to say that the former is more worthy, but it comes from an acceptance of inequality and unfairness in life, rather than a compulsion for self-betterment. Things like

He crafted a niche as the first Cockney geezer who was allowed to be in movies, and became an icon off the back of that; but you’re right, I don’t think he’s ever been that good. I’d make the same case for Sean Connery. I don’t think it much matters in either case though - they both play themselves in everything, and

He’s not exactly been hiding the fact that he used to be a games critic. He’s done two shows entirely about games - Gameswipe for the BBC and How Videogames Changed The World for Channel 4. I’d guess they’re both on YouTube or (shudder) Dailymotion if anyone wants to look them up - there’s a particularly good rant in

There are other books out there, people. If he finishes this one, then great! I’ll read the shit out of it. Until then, forget about it. There are enough genuine problems to worry about without investing yourself in the fate of Westeros.

Hipster mention for Resident Evil Survivor. A famously dreadful game (more so in the US, where Columbine ensured that a light gun game was not compatible with light guns), but the title voice is superbly rendered.

David X Cohen is working on the show, as are many of the Simpsons’ golden era writers - most notably Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein, who ran seasons 7 and 8. It might end up sucking for any number of reasons, but it won’t be lack of talent.

It just means dessert! Any sweet dish would be called pudding in the UK. Although there are some dishes which contain the word pudding - e.g. rice pudding or Yorkshire pudding - which confusingly don’t need to be sweet at all...

He said the N-word many, many times across a number of episodes. IIRC there was one episode of Sonic ‘06 where he just spouted it constantly, to the point that the editor made it clear how annoyed he was at having to censor them all. I can’t speak to the Hitler thing, but it wasn’t my comment ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit: Episode