Atomic Wrangler

He left on his own dumb terms about a year into that channel. They’ve been going for five years now without him and have gotten a lot more chill, even if they do suck ass at video games.

I don’t want to be snooty about this, but I literally can’t remember the last food poisoning outbreak here in the UK. This doesn’t seem like something that should happen this regularly in a wealthy nation.

Scotch eggs and Yorkshire pudding are two foodstuffs I’m continually amazed haven’t travelled. They seem so perfectly unhealthy for American tastes.

Yep, long before - came out about 5 months ago in the UK.

It’s very good, but go in expecting a drama with jokes, not a comedy with the odd purge

I’m pretty sure the ‘whole suicide forest thing’ is the most singularly, outwardly awful thing he has done, or he would have courted mainstream controversy before now. I can’t imagine much that’s worse, to be honest.

Either way, the media really owes it to its audience to take YouTube seriously on some level. Parents

This is pretty brazen. Parker & Stone are frequently guilty of trying to have their cake and eat it, but to suggest Team America (which explicitly skewered nationalist warmongering) helped Bush - rather than say, the rallying effects of 9/11 and the War on Terror - is going some. And while The Book of Mormon paints

Again, because it evidently needs repeating, you obviously haven’t watched the documentary. If you had, you might know that a variety of Asian actors, comics etc quite thoughtfully discuss what the character means to them - largely that he was the only South Asian character in pop culture for decades, and that because

In what world is it ok to write under the name of a serial child abuser?

If this was a wife with a similarly uncanny valley, sili-dong sporting male doll, would it be any less weird?

I don't know about their tour shows, but when I saw them at the first leg (Demon Dayz festival - fortuitously 30 mins from me), they played Feel Good Inc, Dirty Harry, DARE, Don't Get Lost in Heaven / Demon Days, Kids With Guns, Clint Eastwood, Stylo, Rhinestone Eyes…the works.

Erm, they've hit Intel, Microsoft and Facebook for billions in combined fines, and they hit Apple with $13.5bn in back taxes for striking a slightly iffy deal with the Irish government. I think they might also be pursuing charges separate to that.

YouTube star can be good if you're talking about the vlogbrothers raising millions for refugees (and underdog soccer team Wimbledon FC). Or Markiplier, who's appeared in a couple dozen charity marathons. Even the lamentable PewDiePie has raised millions for children's charities & AIDS prevention.

It's possible that the coalition will collapse (frankly it will be a miracle if it lasts the five years). In that case there could be another election - and a more competent leader running a better campaign could beat Labour handily.

Not just written off. At the height of dissent in the Labour Party, when shadow ministers were dropping left right and centre, people were legitimately talking about Labour MPs leaving to form a splinter party. Labour have gone from a corpse shambling through the public consciousness to winning 40% of the vote in less

His family is from Libya though, and his dad is in Tripoli atm. Which is not to cast aspersions on that family, merely to say that his background may have been part of how he rationalised this awful crime.

Iggy Pop really likes them, for whatever you determine that's worth

It's not actually as casual as people think; we're not Australians. But yes, it's not considered directly misogynistic in the same way 'pussy' isn't; the question of etymology is there but the intention generally isn't. I've certainly heard enough women use it. It's heavy duty as curse words go, but it just has such a

While we're on the subject of HTTT (which for me is still a near-perfect compromise between The Bends and Amnesiac), I cannot understand why they refuse to play Punchup at a Wedding live. That bassline is so funky.

And several of those newspapers were Murdoch owned, for whom he became a pretty reliable deputy. He's currently US editor for the Mail Online. Being anti-gun is a bipartisan non-issue in the UK - he's a grade-A right wing tosspot.