Atomic Wrangler

Good Morning Britain, as the name suggests, is a super frothy morning show. It's not the forum for a debate like that, and I doubt they would let it pass. I don't blame him for not wanting to sit there and take a light ribbing from Morgan while answering questions about which cast member's aged the worst.

It's a shame Parkinson is probably best remembered, and only known outside England, for his embarrassingly sexist interview with Helen Mirren. You can't wholly excuse it on the 'it was the 70s' defence, he was an arse. But as a rule, he had an immense gravitas and respect for his guests that somehow placed them on a

Ten O'Clock Live was a sub-sub-Daily Show trainwreck, and I say that as someone who likes all of the hosts and sat in the audience. But it did give us this segment by Charlie Brooker, which I will continue to wheel out at every opportunity:…

Conan is great, but I'm always slightly ill at ease with the description of him as nerdy. He kinda is, obviously. But when he does the nerd voice and hits the easy targets on Clueless Gamer, it feels like a decent chunk of the audience is taking those jibes seriously. Maybe it is all part of the persona, but I can

I've enjoyed it. She's a pretty natural cipher for Fry - quick-witted, slightly posh affectation, gay, prone to weird turns of phrase - but makes the show her own.

The threat of an Adults Only rating acts as de facto censorship, and is 99% of the reason why very few games contain sex scenes more explicit than a daytime soap. Companies have been paralysed by the thought of an all-out ban since the Hot Coffee fiasco with San Andreas, which would have killed any company smaller

Mark Kermode's vlog on the original cut of Exposed is worth a watch. Clearly not a masterpiece, but perhaps more to it than Ignatiy posits.…

That wasn't Reinhard at all!

I will swallow your bait willingly, sir. The Fall, Happy Valley, Black Mirror, Luther, Peaky Blinders, Peep Show, Misfits, Red Riding, Fleabag - that's just this decade. Given that they're all from the two networks involved in this sorry saga, we keep a pretty good ratio.

There was a false equivalence in the reporting though. The Remain camp had no less than 25 Nobel prize winners in economics and science advocating to stay. The Leave camp did not - but news stories tended to say 'experts from Remain say this - but experts from Leave say this'.

Inglorious Basterds. I really like the film, but the opening scene blows everything else out of the water. It's the standard Tarantino could be working at if he allowed himself an editor - an incredibly tight, tense scene with real emotional impact.

Fair rebuttal. The North and the encroaching army of the undead is the series' endgame, and in that sense the Starks are absolutely key. Their fortunes are certainly mixed, but there is a distinct thematic grounding of them as not just uniquely & dangerously honourable, but more in touch with the past and the lessons

The show is its own excellent property, but they haven't fucked up the direwolves so much as the whole northern mythology. The initial reluctance to showcase the high fantasy elements of the books meant they never properly introduced the Starks as the only clan steeped in mystical pagan tree worship, and thereby their

What's weird is that Colbert clearly knows what plays well online - or at least, he likes many of the same things the internet does. He's invited guests that you couldn't imagine anywhere else, like the developer of No Man's Sky (1.4m views) and Babymetal (4.2m views). He even put a shitload of effort into a great

Do the fake live action ads in South Park count?

I've only made cinema visits a habit fairly recently, but whenever I did go I had a knack for slightly offbeat choices. I remember seeing Kickass, Hot Fuzz and District 9 on three separate birthdays without knowing anything about them; I'd now count all of them among my favourite films.

Kay Burley, rude? The woman who asked the wife of a serial killer whether he would have done it if she'd been better in bed? Murdoch's finest, that one.

There's some good work going on with indies, but as far as blockbuster games go it's a truism - and they're the only ones with a chance of being adapted. The current situation is akin to writing novelizations of Transformers.

I think he and a couple other people in the thread mean BBC America's "Copper", which I honestly have no memory of even airing in the UK. News stories all suggest they ended it because they felt the story had run its course, which would hardly be unusual for British shows.

You could level the same accusation at all those plane crash investigation shows. Those re-enactments are be a bit gaudy, certainly - not everyone can be Paul Greengrass. But I find them fascinating because in most instances, a disaster can be tracked back to one human error, a bit of cost-cutting or a design