Atomic Wrangler

I've just started The Witcher 3 after resolving to finish 2 first, as I'm a stickler for narrative. I got to Act 2 about four years ago and lost interest, then took it up again before Christmas and got to the exact same point. Forced myself to finish it last week and actually really enjoyed it.

Hans Gruber has a German accent; Alan Rickman was just brilliantly terrible at it

Yup, Escape From Butcher Bay, which Vin Diesel involved himself in pretty heavily. The whole thing's just a prison break, but it mixes genres really well - great exploration, combat and stealth, which is a real rarity. Beautiful for the time too. But they're very different entities.

My thoughts almost to a tee. Ben Whishaw also deserves a nod for turning Q into a halfway believable and likeable character, rather than just a magical Macguffin factory.

And the other chap who helped spin his original mod into the full game is colluding on Justin Roiland's VR project. If premium Source mods are the price for more incredible career leaps, I'll take it.

I'm not sure if the book ever explicitly stated this, but it's also a big boon for NASA and the other space agencies, in terms of political clout and exposure. The Chinese are promised a man on the next mission, and NASA secures future government funding and a whole heap of prospective astronauts and other personnel.

Human CentiPad gets a pass from me just for the 'are you trying to fuck me?' exchanges.

Doug Stanhope, is that you?

Kinda goes without saying, given that it's already happened with Jojen and two of Dany's khalasar. Probably a positive for readers and watchers alike - readers get to keep guessing at exactly how the books end after the show passes them, and watchers get a better edited fourth and fifth book.

Veep is a bit of a special case though, in that it's written and directed by largely the same people. One of the most amazing things about that show is how Iannucci and co have (with some significant help) grasped US politics on a level beyond having just watched The West Wing.

I thought Skyrim was terrible for this. Become Archmage of Winterhold and the other magi barely register it, let alone anyone in the outside world. Same thing with the Thieves Guild. There are no quests for you to embark on or initiate from your position of power, nobody to advise or chastise. It's just an excuse to

Essentially, dark energy was some by-product of advanced civilisations (likely the use of biotics, an organic evolution) which was accumulating and causing entropy, leading to a universal extinction event. So the immortal Reapers would nurture and then kill races to slow the process/experiment with means to stop it.

Destroy, with any luck. I mean any of them would be interesting as the basis for a fresh universe, but canonically speaking, I refuse to believe any Shepard would (spoilers) fuse the entire galaxy with robots or decide the Illusive Man was onto something, rather than the exact thing they've wanted to do for three

Hence the removal of neutral choices from ME3 entirely, and changing the Paragon/Renegade bar to a 'Reputation' bar. I think they realised the limitations of the system; it was just a bit late for an overhaul.

Someone else saw the 3 year anniversary coming up and decided to let bygones be bygones, then. This is a sidenote, but I got on with ME3 a lot better the second time around. I will still fervently defend the reaction to the game's initial ending - the lies about its scope, the photoshopped stock art, the plotholes,

The London Paramount Entertainment Resort…in Kent. Continuing the Warner Bros Studio Tour London (in Watford) trend of "fuck it, close enough."

I disagree. I didn't find it particularly hard either (on hard), but it is serially frustrating and supremely repetitive. By the 18th hour you'll be pining for the damn hospital section, because at least then the game was still tense and the threat of the alien was fresh. It all degenerates into the same endless quest

I'd be happy with the Faith +1 album from Christian Rock Hard

I thought that was the joke - they made him obsessed with wangs because the narrative around GoT has always been about female nudity and sexposition; it's the disconnect between that and the South Park persona that's funny. Or maybe I'm just giving them too much credit.