Atomic Wrangler

I can thoroughly recommend his Q&A in the Guardian today.  I would link it, but I know from experience that Kinja will screw it up somehow.

He can’t, he’s too nice. Much like Phil Collins who can only make decent music when he’s in a personal hell.

When did Hollywood decide that adding or subtracting a “The” was sufficient to distinguish between movies, even if they came out only a few years apart and feature overlap in casts? Anyway, I hope you all buy the debut album from my band, Beatles.

While it’s fun to shut racists up and point out that some of the knights of Arthurian legend were Saracens and other PoC, I think a stronger point of order is that this movie clearly isn’t intended to be a “historically accurate” movie featuring a giant, a talking fox, and a tree dude, and everyone is speaking modern

I would like to argue against this based entirely on the fact that swords are cool and if a naked lady in a lake throws a sword at you then you have an obligation to tell everyone about it.

Agreed wholeheartedly. There were some mistakes I think that Southgate made in subbing players too late on the final, and in no world should you rest the fate of the entire tournament on the shoulders of a 19 year old (and my god, it was heartbreaking to watch him break down afterward), but it was England’s fans who

Well said. The team and manager were great and the bad fans can do one. All the players should be proud, I know I am of them.

The current England squad is the best it’s ever been at least in my lifetime, and probably since ‘66. This was the first tournament I’ve seen them play where they’ve actually dominated other teams and played entertaining, cohesive football as opposed to scraping by on individual talent, and it’s the first year when

I’m enjoying the pivot to “The problem is that he had to help feed hungry children at all!” which: yes, that’s what he’s saying as well, but they’re still somehow more mad at Rashford than the many, many people in power who cruelly allow this to happen. 

Rashford is already well on his way towards becoming one of the greatest and most influential footballers of all time, at only 23.

He’s like the anti-thesis of every lazy right-wing talking point (universally beloved, insanely talented, rags-to-riches story, puts his money where his mouth is, sticks to his talking

Sancho, Rashford, and Saka were targeted after missing penalty kicks that resulted in the title slipping from England’s grasp, as if that’s any reason to delve into disgusting and offensive displays of bigotry

Sudekis seems like a pretty genuinely cool guy. 

Woman holds up sign reading “You’re All Winners!” Accidentally kills 10 people.

I don’t know if they can put in more barriers given that stages can be 200km or more of open road. That’s a lot of barriers. 

The first Densha de Go! was released in 1996 in Japanese arcades. The game arrived on the PlayStation 2 the following year.”

It is very odd as Brits usually only steal African American music.

This is a disaster! Who’s going to write the music for pork pie adverts now?

Yes, it was done continuously since the 1870's, up-to-and-including WW2 where Japan occupied and committed atrocities in China and Korea, which now has a historical connection of that flag to Japanese occupation.  While it never got such negative connotation locally, internationally it has become very problematic; you

That’s a major part of what’s wrong with it. It’s essentially the symbol of Japanese imperialism and the racist massacres it entailed. Unlike here in Germany, something akin to Denazification has never happened in Japan. Mind you, “our” Denazification hardly deserved that name - but in the long run, it was effective