
I don’t like monograms because I don’t have a middle name and it makes me feel less.


God, NO. As someone who grew up (and still resides, unfortunately) in the South, this is the epitome of a southern woman. These bitches monogram their fucking car windows for fucks sake. You’re nuts if you think Michelle Obama signs off on this shit. Just say no to monogramming!

Lovato just won’t let go of this. She goes out of her way to criticize Taylor Swift (of which I’m not a fan btw) and it’s getting kind of weird. And slamming skinny women for not having “real” or “normal” bodies? She should hear herself talk. Way to accuse someone of being a fake feminist and then just doing the same

Demi Lovato really seems to love to try causing some drama. She also seems to really dislike Taylor Swift. It’s almost like she wants to seem like she is some sort of real girl power crusader while T Swift is a phony, but it comes across as a desperate bid for attention and odd that she keeps calling out someone that

It means you lost 9-3 to the Rams so sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

I’m not that bothered tbh, it’s been pretty patchy. There have been some great episodes, but it’s definitely petered out a bit, I hope they get it together for the final season

Bottom half of your finger sounds like the part closest to the knuckle, Lindsey. Like, your entire finger. I had to go back and triple check she didn’t lose the whole thing.

Given the smoke and mirrors involved in the making of the Kardashian brand, or any reality show, it’s not really an asshole comment.

Kim, I won’t believe it unless Kameras Kaptured it. Sorry.

Judging these books by their covers, literally, I would never pick them up - they look like Nicholas Sparks type drivel. But a friend of mine, whose opinion I value (and yes she happens to be a middle-aged woman) raves about them.

So you’re proposing that people pay taxes on investment losses? How would that work?

If he was going to invade, the least he could have done was taken the IRS’s oil.

Let’s do a little story problem:

The real story here is that there is a real life lawyer named F. Edie Mermelstein and no one seems to think twice about it.

Ooooh, so nice of Angelina. She’s just following the SOP for women seeking a leg up in their divorces. Accuse the husband of being a drug addled child beater, then not pursue the accusations because you knew they weren’t true to begin with.

So glad to hear Angelina Jolie does not want Pitt prosecuted. I am sure she did all she could to keep the  child abuse investigation a secret as well.

While I understand Kelly’s anger, it takes two to tango and her dad shouldn’t get off so easy.

Hot take: Kelly Osbourne has always been somewhat of a garbage person. She’s had several public instances of this (see Christina Aguilera feud, for one). She’d be in fast food if it weren’t for mum and daddy.

The continuing number of ways in which Baylor finds to step on its own dick would be incredibly amusing. If it weren’t for the violence and rape that lies at the heart of all this.