dorothy zpornak's hump

Masque of the Red Death meets Its-Just-A-Political-Hoax Shenanigans:

I wish Page would have said: Please answer the specific question I asked.

It would be interesting to learn if there were any infection clusters resulting from this.

Seriously. Everytime I see someone tweet about how big Biden’s lead is I have to reply “he must run as if he’s 20 points behind, until (even after maybe?) 03 Nov”. His supporters have to keep thinking this too, to ensure massive turnout.

Nothing is being released soon. Trump is just on a steroid high, and acting all manic.

Good morning Jezzies! Did anyone guess Trumps manipulative ploy weeks ago? Last night he released a video claiming “ God has cured me. Regeneron is a miracle and it will be released soon!” October surprise. And Pence looked like a propped up corpse. Are we at some fucking extremist Christian Right worship

“Mr. Vice President, I’m speaking...”

Damn dude’s face was dark.

I wanted to see her absolutely nuke him. But I also realize the plan tonight since they are ahead was to “do no harm” to the ticket, and she accomplished that with flying colors.

Only if we vote. Lol don’t get cocky y’all, Trump is still trying to steal this election.

At this point I’m confident that Biden will win not only the popular vote by much more than Clinton did, but also the Electoral College. But that Trump and the gang will get so insanely desperate that they will literally steal ballots or block people from physically voting, likely both. Everyone seriously needs to

Lots of people

I was watching a tracker that counted (among other things) number of interruptions. Pence 16, Harris 11. Except 9 of Harris’s 11 interruptions were her saying "I'm speaking" when Pence tried to talk over her, and I really don't think those should count as interruptions. 

Pence was the bag of rancid-mayo-covered doorknobs we all knew he would be. Harris should have shredded him more but maybe the strategy is to appear more adult and rational? Ok, I guess. I say gut these fuckers and leave their carcasses to rot by the side of the road but I’m not the voter their trying to capture

My aunt made some comment about disliking how smug Kamala Harris looks while talking.

Thanks for taking one for the team. I lasted 10 minutes before Pence’s lies got my bold pressure rising so I had to stop watching. So, so much bullshit from him channeling 45* lies.

This Jezebel article is correct. Check the document published in Science that this article links to; it’s more specific than the position paper that Heavy article links to. The research for the antibody cocktail definitely used HEK 293, a 50-year-old cell line derived from aborted tissue.

Where’s Matthew McConaughey in this taxonomy?

I mean, of course. How many of these guys paid for their mistresses abortions?
Did everyone catch this beautiful memory?