dorothy zpornak's hump

Looks nice, though I am struggling with Bella et al’s decision to dress like the coolest girl in 6th grade circa 1995

I wonder if she’s aware she looks like Bella Hadid and he looks like Billie Joe Armstrong had a brother with a deviated septum so he has to mouth-breathe all the time, and has suffered cognitively for it. I mean, not for nothing, but the difference in ‘level’ between those two pictures cannot be overstated.

I was thinking he looked like an 80s British skinhead just before he shaved his head and went on a rampage, but I like your description better.

Bella Hadid is dating someone who looks like he's a featured extra playing a mid level Irish mob henchman in a Scorsese movie.

Except for the reality dancing competition show, it sounds like James Van der Beek has had a uniquely shitty year. I’m sorry, dude, you do you.

The pups name is Lord Chesterfield, and it is a glorious name.  

Beanie Feldstein as Cleopatra! No, I am not kidding. 

It is an interesting article, but I wasn’t referring to it. I’m referring to discussions I had 30 years ago with my Archeology professor. Mostly it amounted to “We don’t know.”

Oh, she was ferociously intelligent (notwithstanding her family background of MANY Generations of brother-sister incest). I think she was the first ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty to speak Egyptian.

Another group of people finds this all quite tedious and thinks that since it’s Sunday night everyone should log off.

All the liberal white women that were on Twitter labeling this bit “misogynist”...yikes.

So, my husband, who is an infectious disease doctor that spent February - June seeing/treating hundreds of Covid-19 patients in the hospital, is super skeptical of the CDC on this point.

Apparently some of those sad goobers were some sort of pro-life fanatics who roared with imbecilic glee as a man who just got injected with a drug produced from stem cells which were originally sourced from an aborted fetus wheezed COVID germs all over their pitiful braying faces.

It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Waddles is quite clearly off. He tweets in wild outbursts then goes quiet, he’s coughing and raspy-voiced, he’s cutting his feeb-rallies short, he had a big band-aid on the back of his hand today and he’s slathered in even more face paint than usual.

Next time, could we arrange it so it’s norovirus, or C. Diff? 

I don’t know what to make of his recovery. I don’t think it’s fair if he had a mild case to begin with. Though it’s still suspicious that his oxygen dropped at some point, what did they pump into him to “cure” him? I know he’s the president and they’d save him at all costs but would they really just...listen to his

Yep! Fairly frequent dex user here— I mention “fairly frequent” only bc it’s my understanding that no one can safely use dex all the time— it can only be prescribed so many times in a 12 month period. If he stopped without tapering down slowly, he’s in a world of hurt, on top of the usual post-steroid awfulness.

He’s on third-line treatment, which generally only buys a few months. Sadly, I’ve practiced for almost 20 years, and experience has taught me that the assholes tend to live the longest. Evil seems to have some sort of anti-neoplastic effect. :/

Want to get really pissed off? The MOH comes with a few benefits: Rush and his family, so long as they accompany him, get to fly anywhere in the world for free. He gets a 10% pension bonus, a monthly stipend of about $1300, a burial plot in Arlington and... senior military officials, including the President, have to

I don’t know for sure but he did at one time I would assume he still does. He’s been doing the whole ‘don’t pay, make them sue you’ thing for so long I can’t imagine that he’d suddenly start paying his bills.