She annoys me. I don’t like it appears that she gets involved in feuds and then pretends that she’s the victim. She’s done this with whatever Jonas brother she dated, Kayne, Kim K., her label and Katy Perry, oh and Scooter Braun. And those are just the ones I think of off the top of my head. And she also made a habit…
No doubt, he would pay tribute to her bravely fighting alongside Frederick Douglass at the Bowling Green Massacre.
I hope I don’t get flamed for saying this, because I’m not trying to sound judgmental about the women in the movie. However, I do know really good women/mothers who do variations of this all the time. It’s happened in my family with my own mother. My sister is a hot mess who has three kids and is not a good mother to…
I would love to live next door to a house with a giant poop emoji. It would be rad just for the story.
That is a major fear of mine. When Trump loses in 2020, I do not see him giving up his power peacefully. His reaction to these shootings was the 5th Ave. moment he talked about. And he was right. He got away with it. So if he told his followers to fight for him, they would. And hello civil war. For the first time in…
I had absolutely no idea that gays and drag queens had this much power. Who knew two dudes getting it on had the power to bring down the entire nation or incite white losers to acts of mass murder. Someone needs to alert the gay mafia.
I am sad for my country. And I’m exhausted and scared for my country. Where does all this hate and violence lead to? I’m serious.
They have expanded sizes, but in my experience I have had to find them online.
Meh. I would file that under dweeby. That wouldn’t bother me, but I wouldn’t whip that shit out on like a first date.
Legit question: how did Vanilla Ice get away with stealing Queen’s ‘Under Pressure’ this resulted in a guilty verdict?
Can confirm. My best friend in high school’s dad converted to Christianity when we were in high school and decided to become an ordained Southern Baptist minister (I know). He was a bonafide stoner in the 60s, so he had an awesome music collection. As part of his conversion, he burned his entire album collection,…
It took me a minute to catch it. For those who are too young or unaware, here’s a good primer:
Yep. I live in deeply red district and I still vote for the Democrat because it matters. And I take comfort in the fact that about 25-26% that vote blue too. I adopted the vote blue no matter who (except Tulsi Gabbard) and I’ll keep shouting that. I know no matter who the gets the nomination is a better choice than…
The whole world seems to be going nuts. It seems like we’ve lost our humanity and have stopped caring full stop. And as someone who lives in a red state who knows my choices at the local and state level are always going to be centrist democrats who are too conservative for me, your friends are part of the problem. I…
I know. My brother is on a kidney transplant list and his monthly dialysis treatment is way over $10,000 a month. Luckily for him, when he was diagnosed as needing a transplant, he got Medicare right away and his job has worked with him so he still works. Before his kidneys got to this point though, he would file for…
Yep. I was proud of Warren for calling them out on that. I’m glad Delaney got his ass ripped apart for that.
Yep. I had to turn it off when they kept harping about choice. It’s a lie and they know it.
I know. I have an easy job that is fairly stress free, but the pay sucks. The flip side is my insurance is pretty awesome and it’s only $80 a month with a $500 deductible, which is nothing. It’s a big reason why I stay. That doesn’t mean it’s a choice. I’d love to have Medicare and the freedom to look for a better…
Him, Ryan and all the others who are against Medicare for All because it would take away Americans ‘choice’ made my blood boil. Elizabeth Warren speaking about the guy who has ALS should have shut that argument down. Her talking about a guy whose wife spends hours on a weekly basis trying to get the care he needs…