dorothy zpornak's hump

I just imagine how noisy it was when she walked. All that loose fabric would create either a constant whooshing sound or when it rubbed together it would make that undeniable sound of fabrics rubbing together. Either way it would piss me off more than wearing clothes for the wrong season. 

Amen to all you said!!!! I think it’s hard for people who haven’t been a part of that system to understand how difficult and scary and deeply personal such a journey is. I’ve been there and I was lucky that only a few members of my family were involved that deeply in the evangelical and Southern Baptist work. That

You can thank Lee Atwater for all the hoopla around abortion.

I just watched that rerun and I loved how it  was handled. She was going to have the baby for Walter’s sake and before going to bed one night they actually have the conversation and he tells her he is fine without being a father but if she wants the baby, he’s cool with that too. But he leaves it up to her. And she

I think Jackie Brown is his best film, but he was working off of someone else’s material. It has a great plot and Pam Grier was so damn good in the movie, it’s worth the watch. It isn’t over the top violent or flashy compared to other Tarantino movies. It’s a good story and he did it justice.

At this point, I would welcome politics as usual and usual dirty politics compared to a soft takeover of our country from Russia. The Dems have to be more inclusive to win races and get Trump out of the Oval Office and get his lackies out of government.

Agreed. I also don’t understand why they’re not reaching out to the Never Trumpers, like Bill Kristol, Ana Navarro, Richard Painter and all the other actual Republicans and building a coalition of a broad spectrum of Americans. Shit, this is so far beyond normal partisan politics and that needs to be hammered home.

I want a mash-up of this trailer with the best scenes from Mommie Dearest. And shame on Dame Judi. Idris has made garbage before. My favorite is the festival of ‘Why’ that was the remake of Prom Night. 

As a white woman who only voted for a Republican once (I was 18, stupid, and hadn’t learned anything yet. I did what I raised to do...), I heartily agree. Stop trying to court a demographic that doesn’t like you. Fully embrace diversity and be done with it. If all the minority groups got together and decided to shift

Okay, I have one. My hometown is about 3,500 people total and my graduating class had 54 kids in it and was considered ‘large’ so urban legends are just old town stories. This is maybe not so much an urban legend so much as a small town group of adults joining forces to scare young kids. This had stopped by the time I

I wouldn’t call it shame. I would call it education. I can also get where she’s coming from too. It’s complicated for sure. Felicity Huffman played a trans person not too long ago and it was received with critical acclaim. And I didn’t see anything wrong with it at the time. But, society is changing and changing

It would almost be the fate we deserve, wouldn’t it?

Supposedly, the Trump’s have major political ambitions and are planning on building an empire. The story goes that after daddy leaves the White House, Ivanka goes next and then Junior. The delusions are high with these people.

Pimp? Money launderer? Creep? Blackmailer? ‘Friend’ of royalty? Hmmmmmm.....

Thank You!!!! If we’re going to be the big tent party we need to be to get some sense of normality back in our country (and for the survival of the country at all), we’ve got to realize that Democrats come from all across the country, not ‘liberal bastions’ on the coasts. And that means different values. Enough purity

But she makes good TV. She’s not good for the justice system or any case she’s ‘investigated’, but girlfriend made a name for herself. I’m not defending her at all, but from a network perspective she’s perfect for TV. 

So sorry for your loss. You two had a great love story.

Come on. You can’t forget the great Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story. It’s perfect!

I agree. There’s definitely a shift happening here in the US. I hope we can shift into the future and not towards whatever Trump is threatening. For those reasons, Biden could be a place marker until the Parkland Generation takes over the polls and the party. I would vote for Biden because it’s a vote against Trump

I completely agree and that’s what’s been making me cringe when I see him getting attacked for being old and out of touch. I don’t think he’s racist, misogynistic or homophobic. I think his moment to be president has passed. There’s a lot of nostalgia attached to him because of the Obama/Biden years and some of that