dorothy zpornak's hump

Yikes. Is it bad that as an American, my first thought was that at least it’s not just us? I cannot let myself believe that my reality is as fucked up and bad as it is with our ‘government’. Depending on how your election goes tomorrow, maybe we can have a contest to see which country is more fucked up (It’s

I’m actually waiting for Trump to defend him. 

I mean this in the best way and please take it as a compliment: You are the Jeff Foxworthy of redheads.

I know. I can appreciate if George RR Martin’s ultimate point is war is bloody, awful, violent and usually no good comes of it. I would kinda like that ending. And it would be fitting. But it wasn’t set up like that. It was rushed and half thought out and that’s what disappoints me. 

I believe it was his assistant or bodyguard, but yes there were. And again, he said those were doctored. If he had let this go and left her alone, this would have largely been forgotten. Sad but true. However, keeping it stirred up in court makes him look like the monster she claimed to live with. 

I’m not mad at how it ended either. It’s a little more realistic as to how pointless wars really are, but the way it was handled was atrocious. This show had magic, zombies and dragons. And somehow none of it mattered. And if all the fighting and magic and stuff was for nothing, then they should have at least

Can I say that I am weirdly happy to see Julian McMahon back on tv? I loved the trash that was Nip/Tuck and he played his trashy character so well. 

I have a very healthy elderly cat that I inherited from my dad after he passed away. She is feisty as hell and sometimes she annoys the living hell out of me. This morning she got mad at me for not refilling her water bowl quickly enough and pissed on my pillow out of spite. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have her because

I hadn’t thought about that aspect of it. I’m not big on conspiracy theories but it sure does feel like Christianity (tm) is making its big move and the leaders are ready to cash in on the sins of others.

Oh yes people do chastise single mothers for not being able to make ends meet. There’s the whole trope of the welfare queens in Cadillacs that is so far from the truth. And then there’s the welfare to work programs that don’t help people successfully get on there feet so much as make women choose between social

See, the two are very intertwined. If you believe life begins at conception, and you take away a woman’s right to her body and she is forced to continue a pregnancy she doesn’t want, than it automatically becomes a societal issue. I am saying anti-abortion is not a small government belief. But it boggles my mind that

I can understand where you’re coming from. I don’t think it’s wrong to be uncomfortable or have moral objections to abortion. I am pro-choice and I don’t jump up and down happily because someone I know had an abortion. It was an agonizing choice but it was the right one for her and I respected that. What I’d like to

I have nephews and it scares me to think they might grow up thinking they don’t have to be held to account for anything because it’s always the woman’s fault.

Until it’s their little girl who gets knocked up by a less than suitable guy and then Little Susie is headed for either a lifetime of scorn for being a slut or headed to a doctor who does abortions on the QT. Because it’s totally okay if it you or yours. 

I live in a fairly rural county in Missouri and we only have two families that provide foster services to kids. So, yeah, fostering is a fool proof plan. Why didn’t anyone think of it before the women started having evil sex and getting pregnant? 🙄

Thank you for this. I rewatched the whole series before I started watching this season. And if you watch like that you can see all of this coming. I blame most of this on sloppy writing and everything being sped up because of the smaller seasons. But the groundwork for all of this was being laid out in the earlier

This is a time when public shaming would work all the way around. Shame the school district (especially the administration), shame the arbitrator and shame the shit out of the priest. They all deserve it. There has to be more than one victim. He raped a little girl, got her pregnant and walked away from that crime

This is right around the time The Sixth Sense was still in the theaters but not a new release, so the plot twist was not new but it was still teased a lot by people who insisted you had to see this movie. I was in my teens and lived in Bumfuck, Smalltown and had no easy access to movie theaters so I usually ended up

True. But, 60 Minutes cannot pretend she wasn’t a known entity. I don’t necessarily believe it had any racist tones but it’s definitely sexist. I agree that Gayle King would be a better fit but it’s ridiculous to hire Oprah and then tell her not to be Oprah. 

God I wish Shade Court would come back for this. I hate that she was chastised for being too emotional, but goddamn I love her for saying out loud in public. Idk if her telling the truth was shady or not, but good on her for telling the truth.