Yep. She’s not a fool at all.
Yep. She’s not a fool at all.
*barf* I really hope she’s not trying her redemption tour early.
Agreed. She kind of has a point with the video games. I agree imagination is great and dolls are a good way for kids to express their imagination and really play. And the internet and media in general are way more harmful than Barbie. But the doll’s proportions and stuff are gross.
Does anyone else kinda see Auntie’s strategy as setting her husband up for the fall? The leaks from ‘sources’ say they’re fighting all the time. Her ‘friends’ think he was behind it all and now this defense when he was the only one who has dirty hands with wiring money directly to the rowing coach. All her press has…
Don’t forget people used to be able to declare bankruptcy on student loans too. I have to side-eye Biden because he was behind the restructuring the bankruptcy laws in the early 2000s. I would declare bankruptcy and wipe it off my credit in a heartbeat. Right now I’m doing the 10-year student loan forgiveness program…
Sometimes. My aunt got an abortion in the 1950s at the insistence of my very catholic grandparents and then blamed her for being a slut. Apparently she wanted to continue the pregnancy and marry her boyfriend but they were too horrified that she had sex outside of wedlock to consider her wants. That story has knocked…
Yeah, I got strong ‘I can fix him’ vibes from her when she jumped from Mac Miller to Pete Davidson when both had very public issues. I’m glad she realized with Pete that it wasn’t her job to fix him and it was so unfair that she got a large amount of hate when Miller OD’d. Not a fan of her music and she might be a…
I gotta tell you, I’m at the point now where the people who think this is cool and okay will have to see for themselves how great these laws are when these same politicians come for birth control. When they take their daughters to the doctor to get birth control on the down low and are told it’s illegal because Jesus…
That was years ago and it was Target. Companies have only gotten more intrusive since then.
I know. They always seemed normal and like they really cared about each other. And Fillimam.H..Muffman is the best Colbert-issued celebrity moniker ever. We can’t lose that.
What are the odds Olivia Jade spins her parents going to prison as her ‘comeback’? I can see her teary-eyed YouTube videos about how they forced her to cheat and then ruined the family with their lies. Boo hoo. And she wouldn’t be exactly wrong...
Geez, and the Celebitchy podcast (don’t judge me), said rumors were that people they were close to them said they were close to divorce over this. Weasel.
One of my good friends is a woman and she is a staunch supporter of Cosby and R. Kelly and MJ. She and I have gone round and round regarding these dudes obvious guilt but she just won’t allow herself to believe it. She got mad at Gayle King and Oprah for their interviews and panel discussions. And it’s a pattern I’ve…
Yep. I worked one year in a state prison (not Alabama) and I could not believe how dehumanizing it was. Very few people who worked there gave a shit about the people incarcerated there. Most had the POV that the guys deserved to be there, so whatever happened to them was deserved. And inmates who reported abuse by…
There isn’t a way. I don’t even try anymore. However, I do enjoy watching anti-abortion people’s heads explode when I casually point out that most unwanted pregnancies are caused by men. When I explain that women can only get knocked up a few days a month, but a dude can cause pregnancy 365 days a year that kinda…
I love this show so much, but I hated how the first half of the season started. I didn’t like the chronology and how it was shown out of sequence. I do love how it’s all come together in the past few episodes. Edgar’s speech to Jimmy about how he and Gretchen aren’t good for each other was so spot on and gut wrenching…
I have no words to describe how horrible and gut wrenching this is. I graduated high school in 1998, so I was probably in the last generation to have true safety in schools in America. I remember watching columbine happen live on TV and thinking how fortunate I was to not have to go through that but how scary it must…
It sounds like she’s equating pedophilia with BDSM, polygamy or anything else that can be labeled as non-vanilla sex. She’s missing the consensual part. There is no way a CHILD can consent to any kind of sexual act, let alone with an adult. I’m surprised she didn’t barf up some shitty defense for Cosby or R. Kelly.