dorothy zpornak's hump

So the cops who were supposed to help teach the teachers how to prepare themselves and their students in the event of an active shooter decided to mock execute said teachers, shooting them with some kind of projectile and then blaming the traumatized and confused teachers for not fighting back? There are so many

I can fall standing still so I wouldn’t even dream of messing with ice skates. 

Holy shit that sounds painful. I’ve strained my calf muscles before and it nearly brought me to my knees. She’s a straight gangster for competing and beating the chick that did that to her intentionally or not. 

God damn, I wish Mob Wives was still on the air.

Drunks are fine with the RNC so long as they believe in Jesus and shortcut their careers by kissing ass and lying to become Supreme Court justices.

This whole scandal as bonkers as it is kinda boils down to one harsh truth: no one wants there kid(s) to be basic or ordinary. These parents paid for the bragging rights that the raised exceptional kids, only they didn’t. They’re kids, like most kids and adults, are just okay. I don’t fancy myself as anything special

And I believe he crashed more than one plane because he was a rebel. I admire him for his behavior after he became a POW but he got a lot of help because of his name.

Very, very true. I had completely forgotten about Making A Murderer because that really went out with a whimper. 

Kinda surprised these kids just didn’t go into fashion like their dad. And Felicity Huffman’s kids didn’t have to go to school either. This is just bonkers to me. I’m first generation college and I got a fine education at a state school. I’m in grad school now and I’m just baffled. No one ever asked me where I went to

Me too. ❤️

I don’t know. I go back and forth on these kinds of issues. I would hope that murderers and their victims don’t become entertainment. However, there is something to be said for challenging the justice system and trying to right wrongs. And documentaries in all forms can do that. The flip side is when truly evil people

Man, I hope this doesn’t turn out to be like 2016 and we lost so many celebs. Prince’s death hit me hard and it was out of the blue. This death hit me hard too and out of the blue. 

Not to excuse her behavior, because we’re all accountable for our actions, but doesn’t she have a mental/personality disorder? And hasn’t she been spouting deranged stuff for most of her career? Like, didn’t she say her parents molested her and then she took that back years later? And I thought she basically said

Ha. I forgot about that.

D.C. has officially been turned into a criminal-enterprise version of the Real Housewives. And we’ve now entered the I’m mad at you and I’m spilling your tea part of the season. I’m tickled to hear his secrets but this shit is so embarrassing. 

Same. I keep thinking back to past presidents who did awful things to their staff and it wasn’t front page news. Granted, I’m not excusing abusive behavior. LBJ made his staff go with him to the bathroom so he could take a shit and still give them orders. Horrible man, but he did pass the Civil Rights Act and gave the

I’m so sorry for your loss. It truly is like losing a member of the family. 

I know! Those shoes are a gift from god. I love them and bought them in three different shades. I must stock up tomorrow.

Bingo. My mom is in her 70s now and I’ve asked her what women before Roe thought about abortions. She said women typically were very practical about the economics of having children and women weren’t judged or declared murderers if they decided to terminate a pregnancy at home or in back alley clinics because other

Remember when Orlando got in a whole feud with Justin Bieber over his now ex-wife? And then put the moves on Selena Gomez as revenge? Maturity is in the eye of the beholder. Let’s hope he’s grown up since then.