dorothy zpornak's hump

Anna got out at the right moment. That would be a lot. And I’m speaking as someone who was raised in church but got out as soon as I grew up.

Perfect response to someone like Trump. Women are showing men how to handle bullies. Congrats to Nancy and Stacey.

Yeah. Isn’t this is the bad-guy plot line from “To Kill a Mockingbird”? And the justification for lynchings of ‘black bastards’ from not so long ago? This is not good for him. And I don’t know how he can walk this back.


I don’t spend a lot of time on Facebook anyways. But they’re reaction was horrifying to me.

Women on my Facebook were losing their minds about how hot he looked. This seems very try-hard. Like there’s no way he got so caught up in his music that this wasn’t intentional. That bothers me more than his tattoos. If Madonna takes shit for trying too hard than so should he.

It is a movie that stayed with me because she was so good in it. 

The Carver!!! I forgot the nickname. Yeah, that whole show was bizzare. This show was the best for cheesiness and being completely bonkers. Ryan Murphy deserves all the awards for making such a campy show.

SherryBaby legitimately was hard for me to watch because she was so good in it. She portrayed someone in near constant emotional pain that it was amazing and difficult to watch. 

I loved that show. I quit around the time Dylan Walsh’s character had sex with a real doll and came back long enough to see the brother/sister serial rapists or killers? I honestly can’t remember which one but it was so bizzare. Oh, and I also remember when Julian McMahon had breast cancer. Damn, Jezebel needs to

Preach. Being a caregiver sucks. I’ve done it twice and am about to head down that road a third time. It is beyond description because it’s different each time. My father was sick and needed a different level of care each time something happened. My grandfather was suffering the diseases the elderly tend to get and he

Jesus Christ. This is like watching Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd. Trump is Fudd and Pelosi is Bugs leaned against a tree, chomping on a carrot, just begging him to chase her. 

That tattoo immediately reminded me of DeNiro in Cape Fear.

Right?! And that’s why so many of these ‘normal’ guys who turn out to be terrible can hide in plain sight.

Have you read The Only Living Witness? It’s a book written by two journalists Bundy tried to charm, but because they had years of covering killers and sociopaths, they saw right through him. It’s a really fascinating book because it destroys the myth of the charming serial killer.

I have read Ann Rule’s book more than once. The first time I read it, it creeped me out so much I had to take a nice long drive to help clear my mind it was so creepy. And I’m then I read it a couple more times because it really brought home how monstrously ‘normal’ he could appear to be. The last time I read the

DeNiro is going to nail this role in the inevitable movie.

I really really hope one of the agents was playing ‘America: Fuck Yeah’ from Team America:World Police. Because of what he did to us with Trump and well, it’s Florida.

I agree with you but it would nice if it were televised. Especially in light of the school’s defensive response and Trump embracing of all of them. How anyone could deny that MAGA hats are code for racists is beyond me. If we can’t force him to do some kind of community service then he should lose his ability to

So the RNC Headquarters?