dorothy zpornak's hump

I understand what you’re saying but making them humble themselves by working for, or with, the Omaha nation people would be humiliating for these assholes and that would be satisfying for the people they mocked. Take their phones from them too so they’ve got to focus on the task at hand.

Covington Catholic School/Diocese needs to make these kids (and parents) take a field trip to visit Mr. Phillips and his tribe on their land. Make these little fuckers see where our Indigenous People live and be educated about the pain and suffering they’ve endured. Maybe making this little fucker and his enablers, or

So he’s going the Andrew Dice Clay route. Or trying to go the victim of the PC crowd route like Roseanne. Neither is good or wise.

Therapy or college fund. She deserves it.

Now playing

My favorite RHONY fight. I randomly look at some coworkers (and some family) and scream in my head ‘You fuck everyone!!!’

Okay, I must be tired. I saw that and assumed Samuel L. Jackson must have gotten into the bread business as his character from Pulp Fiction and made Ezekiel 25:17 bread. And I would totally buy that bread.

Or Medieval Times. Not the restaurant but they really need to quit pretending their noxious views are anything other than medieval. 

Yep, can confirm lots of dumb-dumbs still support him. Inevitably, it’s almost always conservative Christians. A Facebook friend (don’t judge) posted something to the effect of ‘heaven has a gate and the people who get in are screened, but hell let’s anyone in’ and that literally made my jaw drop. I’ve known her since

Yes she should have. She was amazing in this role!

This article and the comments makes me think of a movie that came out a long time ago called Guinevere, it’s about a younger woman and an older man. It was well done but I remember this speech most of all because it was so well done. It was Guinevere’s mom talking to her daughter’s older boyfriend:

Yeah, this just reminded me that when I worked in a prison families could not send photos of children in a swimming pool or bathtub or anything similar to that because of the way some offenders sexualized those images. Now this is a reminder fucking predators are everywhere. 

I think it’s fake, she knows she looks ridiculous and she did it for the headlines. And honestly, I ain’t mad. I’d rather wonder about Madonna’s fake ass than reality. So, thanks Madonna. 

Thank you for that. It is difficult to figure out where to draw the line because it’s so common. 

This story highlights bigger issues with dozens of artists in all areas of entertainment. There’s lots of stories about Elvis liking young girls that goes way beyond Priscilla. There’s the entire 60s and 70s - the Stones, Bowie, Led Zeppelin, Steven Tyler, Ted Nugent, Polanski, Ike Turner, and on and on. Cosby belongs

I remember the No Doubt performance! And as miserable as I was as a teenager at that time, I’d love to go back to that time. It was all post-Clinton impeachment and there was still hope that the government could still find a way to function. Who could have ever guessed that this was the beginning of a long slide

I’ll vote for her if she gets the nomination, but I really hope she doesn’t get it. She hasn’t shown much strength or leadership and the country desperately needs a really strong leader who can fix the mess we’re in and be unapologetic about it. Not too conciliatory or ‘both sides’, etc. Someone different with a

Thankfully they’re pretty well over. And I made it through pretty well. So far, no one has fought and no one has cried. Not bad.

*raises hand* perfect holidays to me are free of family, or just in very small doses. Less than one day tops. Sorry not sorry. Just don’t like the forced interactions.

Somewhere Tori Spelling is waiting for the phone to ring.