Did anyone else read that magazine cover as Socialist? It threw me because the whole Trump clan is nothing but Mr. Potters to the George Baileys of the world.
Did anyone else read that magazine cover as Socialist? It threw me because the whole Trump clan is nothing but Mr. Potters to the George Baileys of the world.
I understand where you’re coming from. Thankfully, there were tens of thousands of women to pick from. The staff picked who they wanted. I’m not a fan of Ariana Grande’s music at all, but damn if her story didn’t resonant this year. She rushed from one codependent relationship straight into another one, only to have…
Any expose on the number of youth ministers who find child brides in the youth group of the church they served in? I know of at least two and it grossed me out even when I was still a believer. Both times it was in a Baptist Church.
Meh, can any kid top this
Can we nominate a special Shade Court for Michelle and Hillary? Both served it up. And I love them for it.
It never ceases to amaze me that I was raised not to be an asshole and to be kind and fair because that was part of what being a decent person and American was about. Turns out, being an indecent, racist asshole who didn’t give a shit about anyone but me and mine would’ve made me a millionaire. I swear since November…
Oh wow. I’ve been through similar things with family and I’ve been on the other end as a caregiver. We’ve all developed a gallows humor too. You have to. To people who’ve never been through major health issues either as the patient or a caregiver I’m sure we sound callous or mentally ill because we life about stuff…
So sorry for what you went through. Glad to know you’re okay now.
Nah. Better yet, a photo of Obama’s inaugural crowd.
Very true. Their relationship was very real, very complicated and had a tremendous amount of love.
I love that movie. But it’s kinda hard to watch it now that Debbie and Carrie are both gone. But I will unashamedly say Shirley MacClaine is a goddess.
All they needed was Mark Wahlberg there to fight the shooter.
I love watching him and Rachel Maddow geeking out together. It’s the only reason I’m still watching tv.
As horrible as that call is, can voters in Georgia sue this Road to Power group for voting for Ms. Abrams and being denied their new car? I would throw some money at that cause. And I could care less if the Jews were in charge of the media. And if Oprah tells me what to do, it’s still loads better than Donald Trump,…
I live in Missouri - in the Red part and McCaskill did some campaigning here and a Facebook friend posted something negative about her and was immediately shut down and the comments were overwhelmingly pro-Claire. As a Blue Dot I was honestly (and pleasantly) surprised that the people around my home were vocally…
So, as a white woman, I have to say I am absolutely horrified by what the ‘republican party’ is doing to our country. I can, and will, acknowledge that I have undoubtedly been the beneficiary of institutional racism and as an adult I only became aware of it because I learned. I have only voted republican once since I…
And I remember reading somewhere that in the 1970s when he and Camilla were dating and he left to join the military, he expected to propose when he got back but her family and the Royals didn’t approve of the match. So while he was gone, her mother put the announcement of her marriage to Andrew Parker-Bowles in their…
I don’t think she was tense or bad on WWL. I liked her pushing back and not taking crap from Andy.
Completely agree. And I think the south will lose again and the rest of the county needs to like annex them and start fresh and new. Like our founding fathers truly planned.
Agreed. I think the worst thing Lincoln did was to basically forgive the confederates and try to appeal to their better nature and do a forgive and forget thing. They should’ve paid a bigger price for their sin. And we honestly should’ve let them go at the time. We’ve been a divided nation since.