Ugh. Kayne missed a golden opportunity; he should’ve labeled this shit Be West. That could’ve branded with Melania’s Be Best. I would’ve appreciated it ironically. This is way to earnest and scary.
Ugh. Kayne missed a golden opportunity; he should’ve labeled this shit Be West. That could’ve branded with Melania’s Be Best. I would’ve appreciated it ironically. This is way to earnest and scary.
God I hope Kamala Harris or a Latino gets elected in 2020. Kinda feels like we led the world into this mess, maybe we can lead them out. 🤞🏻
Don’t forget the civil war brewing here. Come on humanity. What the fuck is going on?
Just curious, did 45 say the same shit when the guy busted into the Protestant church services in Texas and shot a bunch of people? Kinda doubt it. Shit man, I can’t even bring it up in me to be shocked anymore. I’m so tired of witnessing ‘history’ like this and school shootings that are broadcast live on instagram,…
Eh, I can’t imagine any thinking person of color getting on board with Kayne and his nonsense. He’s certainly entitled to his opinion but I think he’s going to be surprised and offended when great swaths of people don’t follow him and he doesn’t become a major leader, which is what he imagines himself to be. The…
It’s a really great soundtrack.
Very true. I’m extremely liberal and comfortable with being labeled ‘an outlier’ because I know deep down I’m not. But I’m kinda so frustrated with the people still supporting Trump and still voting republican that I’m almost willing to let the republicans win just so people could see how ugly they truly are. Let them…
I bet she will. *shudder*
I can see her going total Jocelyn Wildenstein or Goldie Hawn-Meryl Streep ala Death Becomes Her as she ages and after she divorces Kayne. I can’t imagine her ever retiring from the spotlight and she can only be the hot chick for so long.
I played the shit out of this soundtrack. My sister bought it and somehow it became mine. Even though I was grungey and loved Fiona Apple (still do), I absolutely loved this soundtrack.
Ironically, these are the type of people Andy Cohen loves to put on tv.
Somewhere Bernie Madoff is shaking his head and wondering why he didn’t run for President.
Of course!
Yo Disney, I smell a spin off - The Lion Queen.
When I was a kid about five years old I walked into the living room where my parents were watching that mini-series V. I walked in right when someone was peeling her skin off and I noped the fuck right out of there completely terrified that that could actually happen. I was also terrified of these tacky brass…
I love that idea!
Can they do a spin-off without Piper? Black Cindy is my all-time favorite.
Kinda Idris related. I saw an article that Richard Madden (Robb Stark) has been cast as the new James Bond and I don’t know how to feel about that. Kinda meh. There were better choices.