Does resentment count? Cause that’s all my boss(es) are getting from me.
Does resentment count? Cause that’s all my boss(es) are getting from me.
I hated every minute of watching this. The whole thing was such drivel and infuriating but him saying scientists have a political agenda!?! How is warning the world that we and our children are all going to die if we don’t do something to stop climate change political? What could ‘they’ possibly gain from that?
Somewhere Katy Perry is heaving a sigh of relief that Trump just dissed Taylor. I’m kinda living for Taylor to use her patented passive-aggressive mean-girl/good-girl shtick to take down Trump.
And I think a huge part of this melange of this mess we’re in is simply denial. It’s the same reason Catholics still go to church despite EVERYTHING that’s come out including the just out and out corruption in the institution itself. It’s why people stay in really horribly dysfunctional relationships and frankly I…
I’m with you. I’m honestly so pissed off and righteously angry that these fuckers believe they can get away with this. I’m motivated and beyond ready to make all this pain and suffering mean something positive. I’m ready to get my country back. I’m so broke right now I can’t donate, but there are some great…
This feels just like election night 2016. I honestly panic, raged and cried in the span of three hours.
Nope. Not gonna happen. I still don’t think he’s gonna get confirmed. And as for Republicans and spineless Democrats - they have awoken a sleeping giant in pissed off women, minorities and people who want their country and democracy back. If we all vote, these fuckers will never be in power again.
I know. I love that podcast!
My take on it. The one who’s stuck on it, is probably jealous of the other one. Obviously, she’s probably jealous of Jane because Jane stood by her convictions come hell or high water. Megyn can’t say that. She wants to be political without being open about it. Regardless of how you feel about Jane Fonda, she’s got…
Same! My life is plenty full with family obligations and it makes me stingy with my free time. I’ve got my mom with me and when she was away for two weeks it was kinda glorious to have a quiet house. And my mom is actually pretty cool and easy to live with. We each do our own thing and it’s most finances that…
And he still ended up broke and becoming a Russian money-laundering puppet. How the fuck can someone run through allllll that money and have absolutely nothing to show for it. I really despise that man.
I was just thinking that. I hope they get paid a lot of money.
Vote, of course. Get involved in politics and causes that matter to you. But......I’m starting to realize there is no United States of America and there probably never will be. I can seriously see another civil war coming and this time I don’t see the point in fighting to keep us together. A split is probably the best…
Yes. I remember watching the news without a blaring red Breaking News chyron. I keep thinking what will Rachel Maddow do when Trump and his ilk are gone.
That’s true to an extent. They’re both liberal women. I wonder if some of it is the way the culture has changed so rapidly and women are putting the responsibility of behaving onto men. I think some of it cultural training that has told women for thousands of years that we’re responsible for how men behave and they…
It makes total sense. The first coworker has been assaulted three times and I know she hasn’t gotten any counseling. She was assaulted as a child, a teenage girl and by her now ex-husband. The other coworker just blurted out during the course of that conversation that she had been assaulted and she ran into her…
Okay, so I’m gonna post this here because it fits. Yesterday at work when his sentencing was announced a very dear work friend and I started talking about the case and she basically said she didn’t believe Andrea Constand. She said something about how she was forced to admit under oath that is capable of fabricating…
Geez. Now that I think of it, it’s a long list. Cameron Diaz is one that comes to mind. Outside of maybe one or two movies that she was okay in, she’s coasted on blond and cute. And a couple of years ago she tried to piggyback onto the whole, ‘I’m a pretty blond actress who has aged out of my demographic so I’m…
She used to be more comfortably liberal. Like she was one of the first people in congress to support Obama in 08 but had to pivot away from him when she ran for re-election. That didn’t bother me because I knew why she did it. And there are no viable opponents to her so I’m willing to dance with the one that brung me.…