dorothy zpornak's hump

That he does.

I’m a Missourian. And while I wish she were more liberal, I will hold my nose and vote for her. Considering her last opponent was Todd ‘Legitimate Rape’ Akins, she’s a good hold against anything the republicans can offer our state let alone our country. This midterm cannot be a time to sit on the benches because the

Sort of Monday morning quarterbacking, but why didn’t they use a helicopter? Or if there was truly no safe way to transport them, contact the Coast Guard? Even if they had to be rescued by the Coast Guard, they still could have kept them under guard and detained. But safely detained. 

I remember reading Kitty Kelley’s book on the royal family and Princess Margaret’s husband was so stupid his nickname was The Fog. So he’ll fit right in there. 

Well said. And when you read her story, I can’t help but think she’s not the only one he attempted, or (shudder) successfully did this to. 

Ugh, I forgot his ‘interview’ with El Chapo and his support of Hugo Chavez. He’s the worst. Just waiting till his good friend Susan Sarandon chimes in on how helpful it is for men like Sean to speak out against #MeToo because it actually empowers women. I’m actually surprised she hasn’t voiced her support of Kavanaugh

Ugh. I hate this for basically all of North and South Carolina. I hope the people who are affected get the help they need. I also hate how people are using this hurricane as a told ya so compared to Hurricane Maria and the poor souls in Puerto Rico. I’ve already seen that on Facebook. Someone I thought hated Trump

Kinda in a somewhat similar situation. I’ve posted on here on a few times about family drama and issues. I have a sister who is incapable of being a fully functioning parent and I’m in a situation where I kinda have to be on call whenever my nephew needs me. And I can say that the fact that you’re feeling guilty is a

We just need two Senators to vote no. The two most likely to be swayed are Lisa Murkowski from Alaska, whose survival depends on Alaskan Natives (who’ve already told her they don’t like his record) and Susan Collins. Murkowski I think is probably going to vote no. This is going to make it really difficult for Susan to

If you’ve got cable or satellite see if you can find it. I searched and found it on FETV. 

I found it on some obscure channel called FETV. They play lots of reruns including Maude. ;)

I have no idea how the NFL botched this issue that badly. I completely understand where the players are coming from, and I sort of understand where some of the public is coming from. I’m sure there are people out there who side with the players while also being uncomfortable with taking a knee for personal/patriotic

Thanks! It’s one of mine too.

I’d managed to forget the horror of sandy hook. 

I used to think we, as a society, used to have a general understanding of the indefensible. However, since the world collectively decided to go batshit insane and everything seems so cattywampus, I doubt we’ll hear a full throated reproach of this officer. Instead, I think we’ll get a lot of blaming an 11-year-old for

Eh, everyone has their weird food combinations that are without defense and make no sense except to our own taste buds. I still eat childish-type foods. I love cereal after all the milk has made it super soggy. And I still love that sugary bubble gum. It’s a childhood thing. I’d bet money, she started that as a kid

What about the Village Voice? That’s the first I’ve heard of that. 

I think he got suckered into the McCain funeral. He was scheduled to be at hers. Then McCain died, so...

Would this fit into the Madden Curse?