She is the Queen. I know Justice doesn’t exist but if it did, Queen Elizabeth II should take a knee today.
I’m sitting here at my desk at work fighting back tears. Goddamn I loved this woman and her singing. She was perfect and I discovered her when I was about 18 and it was a revelation. Her talent was something that made me feel like we didn’t deserve her. And she’s one of the few amazingly gifted artists who didn’t blow…
I don’t know if I should be happy with the hippie vibe (in my heart I would love to be a full on hippie, but life and responsibilities, so), or disgusted at the hipster vibe. I like Robin Wright and she deserves every happiness because she endured Sean Penn, but this wedding has me on the fence.
Here’s an irony. Does anyone think the powers that be will be tougher on him because he’s a black cop?
My fur baby died this Thursday from old age and it’s broken my heart in ways I didn’t expect. Internet hugs to you. 💖💖💖
This may be the sheepish way out, but can you take some sick time and just leave him be? If it’s only a week and he’s such a know-it-all asshole, let him swing on his own. Honestly, people like that use other people as cover to behave this way. I kinda believe he’s using your kindness and professionalism as an excuse…
Crazed preacher hunts orphaned kids
Here’s the thing - father or not - she owes him nothing. She’s allowed to do what she wants with her life. You know, because it’s hers and not his to control. That’s adulthood 101. And if she is as horrible as he says she is, why would he want her in his life? Then that would make her toxic, no? Just quit it dude.…
Over-under odds he proposed just so they could get married and he could take off his purity ring and finally have sex.
God I hope this movie is nearly half as good as the show it will still be better than anything else in the universe. This was the most perfect tv show of all time. All three seasons were perfection. There was no let down. **cough, True Detective, cough**
Yes it is. I believe it can also be streamed on amazon prime. I’m beyond excited. This is my all time favorite show.
I’m talking more along the lines of the right. They’re everywhere and our side is confined to a Sirius XM channel, Free Speech TV, MSNBC (kinda - they’re always sorta making apologies for their liberal content, ie, Morning Joe) and independent mediums. The right has Fox News, lots of newspapers, Sinclair media, tons…
I’m wondering how long it will take to untangle this knot. It’s much bigger than I ever imagined and much more dangerous than anything our country has ever faced. I believe there are enough pissed off citizens who will save our country sadly, however, not enough of the politicians in Washington are truly willing to do…
I see she’s gone blond. Fox News can’t be far behind. I swear this country has got me on the verge of a breakdown and shitbags like her and the platforms they’re given piss me the hell off. I wish there was a left-wing media. God knows we need it.
I’m no fan of Courtney Love and I don’t think she’s a good person, but cmon. Kurt and Courtney were two codependent junkies and they’re shared addictions were what kept them together. She wasn’t a good partner to him but he wasnt innocent either. As popular as Nirvana was, he totally had options when it came to women…
Fingers crossed some wealthy liberal buys GMG and the Onion. Double fingers crossed for an offshoot of called That was honestly one of my favorite moments pre-lawsuit.