Stage whispers ‘evangelicals aren’t Christians either.’
Stage whispers ‘evangelicals aren’t Christians either.’
That’s what I was thinking. She had to go to rehab as a teenager. That seems kinda dangerous.
I completely agree. If she stayed silent then she’d probably be accused of not helping or leading the resistance against him. She says something about being upset about not winning and she’s accused of making everything about her and not being over her loss. She can’t win. It pisses me off because it’s so unfair.
You’re very welcome.
She got almost three million more votes. And our election was jacked by a foreign power. Girlfriend has a much better reason for being pissed and a little bitter. Shit, I’m bitter and I wasn’t the ‘victim’ of a goddamn crime - she was. And now, we’re all suffering because of President Collusion and we’re on the brink…
Judge away. His character gave his queer grandson a knife to help protect himself and the kid took it to school in the second episode. And then defended his decision by asking when masculine became a dirty word. Just awful.
There’s a Leni Riefenstahl joke here somewhere but I’m too tired and horrified by what’s going on in my country to come up with it. But this horrible woman should never have been given a national platform and I’m forever side-eyeing everyone involved with this ‘reboot.’ These fuckers either agree with her or put…
Because I’m hot natured I don’t mind the winter most of the time. However, because I dress in layers when it’s snowing, I’m burning up about fifteen minutes after I get inside. Ugly Time weather is actually perfect for me because I can wear a 3/4 shirt and jeans and be fine no matter what the temp is outside or…
Maybe a little off topic - I watched the Roseanne reboot and I just couldn’t. It wasn’t the same at all. They didn’t even seem like the same people, only older. They didn’t seem to have money issues anymore and the stories made no sense together. There was so much stuff mushed into an hour’s worth of TV that it seemed…
I know. It’s just too much (or too little) to even think about. I imagine it’s like a baby carrot or an orange acorn.
Yeah. I caught that too. Part of me is supporting her and if she doesn’t consider herself a victim but I was also screaming at the TV that she so was. She didn’t owe him anything!!’
I seriously doubt that.
Yep. The truth is on her side. And I bet Trump is going to be more upset that she wasn’t attracted to him.
My takeaway - She told the truth and she’s got a great lawyer. Oh, and she definitely has some audio/video proof of their relationship. I just hope I never see Trump’s dick. The country’s been through enough.
Might I add End of Days? That is such a garbage movie but I can’t help myself. It’s cheesy goodness. And has Gabriel Byrne. A great column would be why good actors appear in such garbage. I’m looking at you Ralph Fiennes *coughs* ‘Maid in Manhattan’.
I love David Bowie. He was an amazing artist, lived a helluva life and was a phenomenally great business man.
Oh, my god. That is horrifying. And her career suffered because she dared to call out Hollywood and some movies she starred in as sexist.... She may not be the nicest person but damn she didn’t deserve the treatment she got.
How old was she? She looks awfully young. He does too - like 90s Seagal.
Yeah. Considering her history of allowing the wrong people around her, I’m hopeful that she’ll allow some of the good people that go to the church to surround her and protect her. And there are some genuinely sweet, kind people who attend. I hope that’s who she surrounds herself with.