dorothy zpornak's hump

I wouldn’t call her a whore but lots of people who were wild in their youths who find religion get super serious about it. I’m hoping she doesn’t fall into that category.

I hope not.

I’m trying to wait and see. And yes, we’ve had a long history of not getting along because she’s been irresponsible and left lots of messes in her wake. I’m hopeful that she’ll take the good from the church and not attract more bad people. Or assume that she’s found all the answers.

Yeah and she’s had some abuse in her past so I’m hoping she’s getting good stuff from this and will leave the icky stuff alone.

She hasn’t gone there yet and I’m really hoping she doesn’t. Her oldest son is questioning his sexuality and she’s the only parent he can talk to about it who supports him and if that changes I’ll have to say something. Honestly I think it’s an ego boost and a way to make her feel better without actually doing the

IDK, this is a very conservative parish that just happens to have a fairly tolerant priest, but the one before totally would have called her out on that. Right now she’s happy but I wonder if she’ll stay that way because he announced he may be leaving in May. And the priest from a neighboring parish advocated for porn

Our dad was a hella lapsed Catholic. He tried to go in the early aughts but it didn’t take.

I was raised in different churches growing up and my dad was a lapsed catholic so I developed an aversion to organized religion. I also researched the Catholic Church in particular because my Dad’s family was hardcore Catholic. I did not like what I found and then the abuse and cover up just solidified it. I’m hopeful

You guys, my sister has just become a full-fledged card-carrying member of the Catholic Church and I have very mixed feelings about it. She was a notorious party-girl type and lived quite a full life and has the emotional and mental scars to prove it. She’s always been a bit of a lost soul who tried on personalities

I loved, loved The Little Mermaid as a kid but as a grown woman I’m horrified that a 16-year-old girl ran off to snag a grown man and literally gave away her voice to do it. That’s a horrible message to send to girls and young women.

I’d watch the hell out of Drag House. I think it would be like the work room part of Drag Race and that’s my favorite part of the show anyways.

Don’t forget Menudo!

Starred for Alan Partridge reference.

I agree. I sincerely hope you it’s owner(s) aren’t allowed to keep it.

Was the horse bucking or did it slip?

It went around my office twice. I got it in December right during Christmas. Didn’t give a fuck. Sweating, shaking, wheezing and coughing so hard I kept pissing myself. Finally got over it and then it made the rounds through my house. This time it wasn’t coughing so much as constant diarrhea mixed with aches and

Totally agree!!

I couldn’t get through Hateful 8. I had to turn it off when it just kept going on and on with nothing happening.

I’m not defending Tarantino in every area of his career (fluent and flagrant use of the n-word being an example), but he did kind of explain the Uma situation. It sounds like he’s still in contact with Uma and they were both unhappy with how the story was written. He seemed to have her blessing in telling her story

Came here to say that. Jackie Brown is a great film. And Pam Greer. That is all.