dorothy zpornak's hump

I’m pissed that they took Mike and made him kind of nothing to the story. He played a much bigger part and his parents were alive. He was a nonentity and it pissed me off.

I don’t think I’m going to watch part 2. Since the first one got such great reviews and turned out to be so bad, I don’t think I’ll watch the second one.

In the right hands, his stories can make good movies, ie, The Shining, Misery and Stand By Me. This could’ve been really good. I don’t know what happened here but I was disappointed.

Here’s the movie I almost turned off and wish I did. I watched IT on PPV a while ago and was soooooooo disappointed. I know I’m in the minority and everyone else who’s seen it loved it, but not me.

I love Kevin Smith for his stories. My favorite is his Prince story.

I don’t consider myself to be a hateful or vengeful person. However, I can’t wait until this house of cards falls around that family and they have to pick between freedom, each other or the Trump “brand.” Ivanka will dump her father so hard when the shit hits the fan. That will be a good day in my house. Oh, and I

I can tell you that my late father was a gun nut. He loved owning guns and collecting guns. He was an incredibly decent man who for whatever reason just enjoyed shooting clay pigeons (we call it skeet shooting) and reloading bullets. It had to be a power thing because he wasn’t a hunter and never killed an animal for

Now playing

Thank you for this. I fell down a rabbithole and watched all of them. That was perfect!!!

Wait. What’s going on with Chad?

Thank you!!!! I was so disappointed in her attitude all season. She was very full of herself and all the whining about Bob was grating. Girl, you’re on TV and still complaining about not being famous. Not a good look on Thorgy. I was a big fan of her on her season.

I would pay good money if the passenger was Chuck Norris.

I counter with Zak Bagans. He still wears JNCO

Is this Delia’s!!!!!! That brings back the feels for me in a big way.

I’m very fortunate to not only have sick leave, but also vacation. I also know it is completely due to having a strong union which I support and defend all the time. This is the first job I’ve had in almost twenty years of working where I’m protected and I have rights. Believe me, I’m not bragging because I’ve been

Um, don’t insurance companies do exactly that all the time? If a hurricane hits Florida (example), insurance rates go up across the country. And you know what - homeowners deal with it. Same with car insurance. People adapt and the fact is, we need a higher fucking threshold for gun ownership in this country.

I have loved Fiona Apple from the time I was in high school and always have. She’s amazing and has never let me down. I love, love, love her cover of Elvis Costello’s I Want You. It’s on YouTube and it gives me chills. She can do no wrong.

Agreed. She went there because of Jane not liking her asking about her plastic surgery. That’s insane and childish. But didn’t she just agree with fat-shaming by saying her dad did it to her and that’s why she’s still thin? I think that’s all we need to know about her values.

So, it seems to me that this would be considered potential revenge porn. And there’s this little nugget:

It’s the best. Happy Birthday Jesus and Little Mary Christmas are my all-time favorites from the album. So morbid and so delicious.