dorothy zpornak's hump

Bought A Colbert Christmas from iTunes and I own A John Waters Christmas. That’s all I can stand.

I found a recipe for a cranberry cake last year that was awesome! I’m also in charge of the turkey this year and it’s the first time for me. I’ve been scouring the internet for recipes on how to make an extra moist turkey and I found some recipes where people swear by using mayonnaise in place of butter. Can anybody

He was one of my favorites until this. His abuse is disgusting on so many levels that I just can’t even imagine ‘giving him a second chance.’ I think because he seemed like one of the good guys out there it really took my by surprise. And the fact that he targeted interns and young women and threatened them, it just

I thought I read somewhere (Vanity Fair) that she told James Packer they would have to wait to get married before they had sex. She may be asexual.

But assholes aren’t.

Sorry for not replying sooner, kinja didn’t show me any updates. I’ve been using the backward loop cast on. It’s just the first row that’s super long. The rows after that are fine but it’s annoying and I wish I could figure out how to even it out.

I hear you, but for now I just want to bask in the glory of this moment.

Any woman who comes forward, rich or famous, has to put herself out there to be subjected to any number of mentally and physically invasive discussions and procedures to prove what happened. Her body becomes evidence and her life is scrutinized. She has to face down her perpetrator, his friends, family, people she

You’re not wrong. This has been a shitty year for me too. Lots of family drama and disappointment made worse by the fact that I’m sharing a house with my mom and sister. I’ve come to expect nothing and back away from both because it’s easier. I’m also saving money like a fiend so I can move.

Those look super cool. I’m learning how to knit. I’ve picked it up and put it down for years but now I’m getting better at it ever so slowly. I do have a question. Whenever I start my first row there is always a ton of yarn between my needles. I always have to cut off lots and lots of yarn to leave a normal tail. What

Shit. I’m so sorry. Cancer has no conscience. Sending you good and your kitty all the good thoughts and vibes.

What a cutie!!! Is he a dachshund? I have one too. He’s 10 and is just starting to slow down and have back issues. I’ve been incredibly lucky that he hasn’t had any major issues with his back - which are very common in the breed.

I have no idea what I just watched, but I love it.

I’m throwing in Mars Attacks too. Campy, destruction, aliens and Tom Jones and Natalie Portman.

No. Please, not her. I can’t take anymore bad news.

Aaaannnndddd...she pulled the free speech card. Honey, cookie, sweetheart. We saw you exercise your right to free speech in the picture. You said your piece. Now, you need to be held accountable for your ‘speech’. Say your sorry, shut your fucking mouth and please - learn the right lesson.

Like a racist Hands Across America.

I would like to know when abortion became such a hot button issue. My mom is 71 and we’ve discussed this at length. Before Roe v Wade, women quietly got abortions all the time and it wasn’t discussed or moralized. Most of society accepted that this was going on and there was even a network of ministers who formed an