I visited Iceland recently and we toured a lake where icebergs floated around until they melted down and flowed out to sea to melt further. The lake was filled with smaller bits of ice some of which was hauled into our boat so people could taste it.
I visited Iceland recently and we toured a lake where icebergs floated around until they melted down and flowed out to sea to melt further. The lake was filled with smaller bits of ice some of which was hauled into our boat so people could taste it.
You’ve summed it up nicely.
His channel on YouTube is the worst.
Former Alabama resident here, can confirm the response will be to call for fire and brimstone (when it should be for mental health support).
I always loved her singing on “Haunted” with Shane MacGowan.
I used to think the same.
If you look at fetal development around the seventh or eighth week when most abortions occur, it’s not going to be the big reveal this guy thinks it is.
Yeah but now future hypocritical Republicans won’t be able to abort their mistresses pregnancies so maybe there’s still a consequence?
Look, if people like Herschel are going to heaven then hell seems like the better option anyway.
Here in New Zealand the Queen issued official apologies and reparations to different iwi (tribes) of Maori who reached Treaty of Waitangi settlements with the Crown. Copies of these apologies can be found in the meeting houses of the iwi who have settled with the Crown. New Zealand is unique in its having a Treaty…
Yay for Rose! Doing New Zealand proud!
Yes! I came here to say the same.
I find a lot of white liberal dudes are ringing their hands over this too.
Right in the golf balls.
They should but, no. The cat was a bit of a sticking point with me and my daughter.
Very true. I had a Jack Russell and he was very efficient.
I live on a farmhouse in New Zealand. For a while, my daughter and her cat Potsu lived with us. One night, I heard the cat door swing open followed by the most pitiful cries. I went out in the hall to see Potsu beating the crap out of a very large rat. It was hurt and cowering in a corner and the cat kept throwing it…