Dorothy E. Smurf

also, it’s not even a very good visual. they’re just small cardboard and cotton tubes. Destroy more tennis balls please and thank you.

the tampons seem like a weird choice.

sort of book spoilers below:

I was waiting and waiting for this episode and then I watched and I was sad because it SO GOOD but these recaps don’t get posted until Monday and I had no one to talk about it with :(

“she stopped at a Chuh-pol-tee”

You’re the animated hot dog that does tricks behind Danny as he sings “Sandy” at the drive-in! You do tricks to impress a hot dog bun and are literally pathetic.

I almost never take the subway anymore because the closest station to my building is 42nd st. and TS is just a pit of sadness and selfie sticks.

Before and after?

I will be so sad if Ming-Na Wen is not in this movie in some capacity. She is my hero and I love her.

this was my exact freakin’ thought. That doesn’t look like smart shopping all around but the number of limes is especially galling.

This is the same guy that claimed covens of internet witches would curse your fetus if you posted ultrasounds to social media soo...logic is not his strong suit.

I used to work reception for a mid-size company and was told about 50 times a day to smile (Have you ever tried to keep a smile on your face when you’re being cussed at by an angry customer on the phone? You’d have to be a sociopath).

Oh god. that whole plot line about him believing that she was punishing him for "letting" it happen was infuriating. She even admits at one point that she was in fact punishing him for not protecting her. It's just a completely bonkers scenario, and I'm glad they left that out of the show.

I have read a bunch of analyses of this scene this weekend and a few months ago after I read the book and no one seems to bring up the thing that bothers me the most about this whole thing.

Period blood v. Instagram

Good for her, I guess. The pic shouldn't have been flagged.

This has become the funniest thread ever because 60 different people felt the need to chime in and explain the reference, and 60 different times you have responded to say ' I know the reference UGH'. So, I'm sorry but also thank you :)

But beware Maccarroni let Fey for even now seeks to burn all that you might eat.

"male ejaculation is still allowed to glaze movie after movie."

Topical, subtle, perfect. I applaud you