
John McCain is looking up at this and just shaking his head.

She’s really not. Not even close.

that her chosen weapon has been to shout “sit down, shut up, and stop talking about concentration camps being bad, you uppity little shits” loud enough that Trump jumps in to say “hey yeah what she said” is the source of some criticism

In a sane world, Dems would be the right wing, DemSocs the left wing, and the GOP would have died twenty years ago.  But that’s about the time I decided to grow a goatee, so now I’m realizing we must have dropped into the Mirror Universe somewhere along the line.

You know Santa’s not real right? And the tooth fairy was just your parents?

How much boot can one bootlicker lick? Have fun beating on your strawmen, bootlicker. 

Not just for those with no skills, but for all who don’t benefit from lucky birth. It takes a lot more than hard work as you say, and also takes more than simple knowledge. Where you come from has immense significance. But thanks for telling me this isn’t the age of the industrial revolution, I had no idea.

Economic mobility has withered in this trickle down Belle Epoque.

Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaire Syndrome, the most dangerous disease in American society.

Constantly shifting goalposts, my ass. Even back in 2008 progressives considered the public option a fallback position, a barely-acceptable compromise. The true goal was single payer. That hasn’t changed. What has changed is that public opinion on healthcare has moved decisively to the left since 2008, which means we

Where was this public option after he and his running mate ran AND WON on it in 2008?

Depressingly evergreen. These fucks are far more interested in #resisting the non-garbage wing of their own damn party than they are mounting a meaningful opposition to the depravities of the current moment.

We also need to start calling Pelosi what she is at this point; complicit.

An absolutely brilliant idea by you, to take a system that sucks and simply add to it rather than create a system that’s actually helpful because, uh, it would be inconvenient or some dumb shit like that. Eat my ass, centrist. 

most of us voting for sanders understand that the policies he’s proposing will probably never make it out of congress, especially with mitch mcconnell still around. it’s not about winning on these policies tomorrow. it’s about revealing to the public who the enemies are. it’s about creating a movement that will

Right, because they’re exactly the same, because they’re old and male.  Good call.

I know I’m not the only one at this point who would take a million unemployed asshole insurance employees if it means saving a single person who would be killed by their avarice.

Fuck the global economy

Brent Welder wouldn’t be voting with Trump nearly half the time like Davids is dipshit, shut the fuck up.