
So I guess we know where you would have stood during South African apartheid, then. Gotta beat Regan and George HW first!

Not sure giving Israel the green light to continue slaughtering Palestinians by the dozens is what I’d call “tact.”


Because we identify with apartheid states, and we have a significant portion of our government who have a vested interest in seeing an ethnostate thrive. Also, a significant portion of our population wants Israel to exist to start the biblical endtimes.

It’s obvious from his comments so far the past week and change that Biden, like so many Americans across the political spectrum, just does not think that Palestinian lives have equal value to Israeli lives. Whatever.

I absolutely don’t get it. Kathy Hochul seems like the exact type of moderate #girlboss the blue MAGA types tend to love

You do realize this is all part of a $1.9 trillion dollar package, right? Just doing right by people and rounding that up to $2k is not going to break the bank. The political damage of this bait and switch might end up costing them more politically.

Snopes is fine, but just like all fact checkers, they’re not always right, and also, voters shouldn’t have to go to a fact checker to find out what you really meant and that there was unstated fine print on your promise all along. That Snopes article includes MULTIPLE quotes from Biden, Ossoff, and Warnock, AFTER the

Literally all of the campaign ads and campaign stops in Georgia said $2000 checks *immediately*, and many of those ads and stops were after the $600.

Well said.

The most important thing is what Biden said, so here is what he said in January, just before the special election, AFTER Trump had signed the bill with $600 checks and those checks were going out:

Come on. Everyone of the following articles was written AFTER the stimulus with $600 was already passed and the money was going out. They were clearly promising $2,000 checks as the closing pitch for the Georgia election. If what they meant when they said “Put us all in power, and we’ll give you $2,000 checks” was

Her testimony that it happened is evidence. Also, multiple people have corroborated her story. There is absolutely no evidence that “the alleged incident couldn’t have or didn’t take place” (????).

“Biden is getting dragged to the left”

I’m glad she found someone she can comfortably speak with, and who will help her allegations get more coverage than they have. Megyn Kelly is The Worst(tm), but her platform is real.

Fuck the Democratic party. They enjoy losing. It’s why they do their best “Charlie Brown kicking the football” impression every four years by nominating centrists that can’t win a national election.  I can’t wait for these Boomers to die off so we can get something akin to a progressive agenda through.

You’re skirting the issue here which is that the vetting process wouldn’t turn up an alleged incident to which there were only two witnesses — Biden and Reade — and contemporaneous sources that were not connected to Biden’s office or any other officials. 

Okay, but she says she told her brother, friend, and mother. The former two have corroborated it, and there is contemporary evidence of the latter discussing the allegation. And her neighbor has now come forward to say Reade talked about it decades ago. So...

Stop blaming progressives for Warren. She made the case she could bridge the progressive and moderate wings of the Democratic party and that didn’t happen. Progressives had a strong and more viable candidate in Bernie Sanders, moderates did not and turned against Warren.

an end to American freefall in world leadership