
When the Access Hollywood tape came out, in which Trump only talked about doing the thing Biden is accused of actually doing, a sizable number of prominent Republicans called on Trump to drop out of the race. That was well after the convention, just weeks before the general election. That is a standard that Democrats

Stacey Abrams is rapidly becoming the Georgian Beto O’Rourke.

Maybe ask him if he even voted for Bernie in the primaries, before you start smearing him with over generalized stereotypes.

Sounds like something a landlord would say.

What’s grimly hilarious about this is that people who treated Sanders supporters as if they were cultists hanging on their messiah’s every word are now flabbergasted at how many of them, for whom Bernie was always a compromise candidate and a means to an end, won’t just, y’know, do whatever he says. 

It’s cool, we can still blame him if Biden throws this election away. If he does anything less than personally drag every die-hard “Bernie Bro” by the ear to the polling stations, and stand over their shoulder to make sure they vote for Biden, he’s clearly to blame for Trump getting re-elected.

Let’s see where the people who always complain about him move the goalposts to now.

See there’s a perfect illustration of the argument I’m talking about! Couldn’t have written it better myself. 

Stop with that bullshit gaslighting. A vote for neither IS NOT A VOTE FOR TRUMP. I don’t know why you don’t understand that...

First, the narrative after the process closes will be the ones republicans push. Do you forget the media going walk to wall on Hillary’s emails?


Shes flatlining because New Hampshire was built for her to do well (it’s full of affluent white people which are her base), and she fucking fell fat on her face, losing her lane to Sanders and Klobuchar entirely. 

She has an electoral history of underperforming against other Democrats and now people are surprised she’s underperforming against other Democrats.

In fairness (to the people dismissing Warren), the primary we had was in a state adjacent to her “home” state, and a majority of the primary state’s population lives within the same media market as Warren’s “home” state. Her getting half as many votes as Amy Klobuchar is pretty damning. Warren should’ve enjoyed

This is a weirdly offputting and dismissive way to go about this. Like parody levels of white ladying across the comments kind of stuff, to the point of reading more like disingenous trolling than anything else.

But what I’m saying is that to my understanding the Bernie campaign did the opposite of what you are saying, and told their volunteers to keep things positive with regards to Warren. Then Politico somehow got a hold of a internal “slack post” from a first time poster suggesting negative talking points about Warren,

Why are you conflating “working class” with “blue-collar white”?

Also, wasn’t the script like one volunteer’s idea, and it was squashed pretty immediately?

He’d get slaughtered in the liberal desert that is flyoverlandia though, as the candidate.

Now playing

So, are we just going to ignore all of the support Sanders has among latino’s, the surge in the polls he currently has, the fact that he’s leading in California, tied up in Iowa and NH, and is second almost every where else? What about the incredibly wrong prediction that you and others had about Sanders being done in