
He could go find and imprison a Japanese-American if he really wanted to.

has there ever been a political issue where your solution was not “concede to the right, immediately”

It seems there’s fuckery afoot. Close races are always bullshit because judges effectively decide the outcome, i.e. which votes count and which don’t because of “reasons”. It’s suspicious that a 1,000 vote lead was whittled to minus 20.

Eh, she’ll walk -- I don’t think she has the strongest record when it comes to prosecuting killer cops.

Well I guess in this one instance I’m OK with police brutality

He’s actually very good at his job, because he’s a paid actor whose entire purpose is to roll over for Republicans and start shouting “both sides! both sides!” when a left-winger makes a good point. That’s the roll of the guy who hosts Meet the Press; nothing of any journalistic substance has ever occurred on that

Heartbreaking, worst person you know, great point etc., though (as always) for the wrong reasons.

Claiming it’s bad that a think tank that is responsible for promoting terrible, neoliberal policies is endorsing a candidate is not disingenuous for one.

Ok few things:

Do you take Bernie’s women comments out of context?

OK for you it can be that, enjoy.

Yeah I dunno is this supposed to be a burn or something? Let’s stay on topic: people saying correct things about US militarism and being rude to the dissembling fucks who sell it.

Warren has a bad, counterproductive idea that gets in the way of the actual solution. Nothing obtuse about that. She’s also voted for every military spending bill that’s rolled her way save the last one. I’m going to base my stance on what she’s actually done, historically, and say that I don’t really think she’s got

It may be cheap on OUR side, but what about the other side, especially their civilians? Does that photo in the header not move you?

I’m sure we won’t see a flood of them now calling Liz a centrist/corporatist shill.

The fact that Warren may be able to unite the democratic party with the left and moderate wings is a good thing

I can’t wait until her Gestapo ass gets kicked to the curb and you have to eat those words.

A history of being civil to vicious racists isn’t a feather in your cap, it’s an albatross around your neck.

Deployed to Afghanistan is a damn good reason to dislike someone. Especially someone who signed up in 2007, when everyone was well aware of the fact that our wars in the ME are just modern imperialist campaigns.

Do you spend a lot of time talking to the like 4 tankies in America? Or are the foreign tankies trying to establish our dictatorship of the proletariat?