
It’s a genuinely sad way to end the Warriors’ time in Oakland. It’s too bad they decided to adopt Silicon Valley’s mantra of “move fast and break things” at just the wrong time.

Respectfully, I’d have started with demanding that any bank bailout be conditioned on the bank opening their books to the US Attorney’s office to let them pick them over with a fine-toothed comb. Then, throw the book at everything you find.

Because in 2008, we had the momentum to break the back of the conservative movement completely and for all time. And all we got for it was crappy healthcare reform.

This whole interview is a pretty strong illustration of the fact that the US electoral “left” is, by any objective standard...not remotely left.

Boomer: “I miss the good old days”

there is this neat thing alt-right debate fetishists do when they get shown to be absolutely full of shit. they say “perhaps. but still-” and move on to the next talking point they’ve memorized for why asking for a better world is the province of naive morons.

We’ll all come out and vote, but when in 2024 the GOP runs someone worse than Trump and they win, don’t say we didn’t all warn you.

Now you’ve done it.

Do not buy a Traeger.

Do not buy a Traeger.

If he gets re-elected, it’s not 4 more years. If Trump gets elected again, he’s done, he will flat out change the US into a dictatorship and Congress will allow it since they’ve let him get away with countless other illegal things. It will have taught him that he can do whatever he wants as president and there will be

BurnerBeforeReading’s entire comment is a paragraph-by-paragraph study in lies and revisionism. Why even leave the comment in place?


Says everything about Nancy Pelosi that it is newsworthy when she doesn’t join with racist Republicans to attack left wing Democrats.

Dude’s been flat-out wrong — not just misguided, but virulently wrong — on nearly every major issue of his political career. He’s a creep and a racist. His decisions have helped send scores of oppressed people to prison, secured bigots and reactionaries lifetime appointments to the country’s highest judicial bodies,

I’m pretty sure Obama himself never learned that lesson (or wanted to), so it’s not that wild.

WTF is wrong with the Democratic Party?

This is some straight out of 4chan sexist bullshit right here.

“Mayor Pete gives all staffers the equivalent of family-level gold-plan coverage and a few hundred each in an FSA to help ease the pain of the deductible? What an extravagant wastrel! He’s either going to run his campaign dry before the election gets into full swing or have to compromise his stances and take tons of