it’s about the politics [pretend i did the claps here]
Fuck you and you picture. My EBT-card having ass is happy for them to offer Trump “jack” and “shit” in exchange for allowing the god damn country to run. He’s, literally, holding the country ransom for his delusional pipe-dream. On principle, I will happily tell my representatives to not negotiate with that jackass,…
I hope the irony of calling people privileged in the same breath that you tacitly endorse enabling the Republican Party to militarize the border and deny refugees a fundamental human right is not lost on you.
I like how the article doesn’t mention Bernie Sanders once, but there are already 3-4 comments about Bernie Sanders anger.
I would argue that Splinter writers/commenters being upset about it is just because they actually care about Native Americans and wish Warren was a better ally. So a bit different from Fox.
i totally forgot.
Why do you insist upon supporting the status quo? Do you get bags of lobbyist cash? What makes you think that the “centrist”, “moderate”, “third way” whatever the fuck you want to call it is going to work after miserably failing after 40 years? Is it going to work now?
A lot of these “I’m going to pretend to be liberal while I try and silence any criticism of an extremely illiberal polity in Israel where racism is systemic and popular” people crawling out of the greys today.
You are right.
The party chose this path during the Perez vs Ellison— Ellison was the right choice but the establishment won, and has continued to win nearly every intra-party battle since then. I used to always say that the only way Democrats were going to learn was to lose repeatedly— but that happened from 2010-2018 and they…
The convulsions with which the Democratic Party reacts to even the mildest of leftwards course correction should be fairly sobering to anyone who thinks it capable of ever serving as a vehicle for genuinely progressive policy.
Why changes things when they like what’s been working? Sometimes I think Centralist Democrats are just Republicans who done do or say racist things in public and know to give a bone to the poor. They know not to back Wall Street too strongly in public. Who say they’re with the people, and propose laws to help poor…
What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Your commitment to process is admirable. Can we get together at your place to fill out some forms? Hopefully before we’re all doomed by climate change and/or the next world war?
all billionaires are evil. They are a failure of policy and society to value the Commons over private greed.
In a large population center with a healthy, diverse economy and a vibrant multicultural society, like California, republican/fascist politics are the dead end they should be.
The lack of forethought from these fossils is breathtaking. Why does the tax rate matter this much when the country as we know it might not even exist (due to nuclear annihilation, environmental collapse, pandemic, extreme poverty, etc.) due to the incoherent policies already in place?
Their entire plan is to not to anything to rile up the MAGA crowd instead of doing things that inspire the left. Bide their time, be boring as shit and rake in as much money as possible from corporations and rich people trying to maintain their status quo. Fucking sigh.