
No one fucking cares. Go fuck yourself if you don’t want to take the time to understand how movements are built and why he would be the least importsnt aspect of his victory.

The hostility of Kamala supporters directed towards Warren defectors has been nothing short of hilarious. 

IDGAF. Bernie Sanders is the least important part of a Bernie Sanders victory. 

I’m not as well read or accomplished of a leftist as you. I’m just a regular suburban dad who just recently recognized the need for urgent and radical change. I don’t always communicate my points well, but I appreciate you starring my posts. It let me know I was headed in the right direction.

Yes, all those those important advances in civil and labor rights were the result of slow, incrementalist efforts made by electing the right politicians.

Many people don't see that because it's not true. Just a thought. 

You’re comparing apples to oranges, and you know that, and Bernie’s polls haven’t budged much since the incident. Those polls, BTW, have heavily weighted towards older demos and “likely” voters.

I think I know who this guy is. His insults are his trademark. He comes into subreddits of progressive politicians he doesnt like to start shit, basically anyone but Kamala.The hotep stuff makes it obvious, because literally no one else but this idiot would think it is even anywhere near applicable in this case. I

Yes, Jeb also raised $20+ million with an average donation of $18.

The Hillary people are going whole hog for her now that Kamala is crashing and burning. Now, of course they, being Hillary and Warren, are not the same politician. However, as you said, those same vibes surrounding her surge are there.

Her policy positions and the ability to follow through with them are the only reason I care about when I go into the voting booth.”

This is like the third fucking time you’ve said this commenting on the post.

Comments like these are just a smokescreen intended to muddle the differences between Bernie and Warren. They are not the same candidate. Bernie’s team should be doing as much as possible to differentiate his candidacy from hers. She is already alluding to softening her stance on M4A. They are worlds apart on foreign

I kind of disagree. She’s capturing some of the Clinton holdovers who most definitely play dirty. Just look at what that trust fund brat shithead said about Bernie’s supporters “sexism showing”. That stuff plays really well into narrative, especially to a demo who gets most of their info from cable news and is

It’s not that there’s one right answer.  It’s just that Bernie is the least wrong, and all the others profoundly wrong.


If my grandma had wheels, she would have been a bike.

I said a candidate, not a publicity stunt.

Have a good weekend.

When self-proclaimed “supports” of a candidate who have no meaningful affiliation to their campaign are abusive online, what candidates other than Bernie are expected to release statements denouncing the behavior of people who they neither employ nor have the ability to control?