
Yeah, bullshit. There’s a guy currently driving around NY is this truck.

Warren has a well constructed platform of interwoven policies and plans for the future. The talking points they both spout are similar, but Warren has done the groundwork and the math.”

Why aren't other candidates held to the same standard when it comes to reigning in their asshole supporters? 

To be clear, any more conspiracy bullshit like this in response to me is getting dismissed.”

The conspiracy is why they setup the vote this way, that being a Bernie endorsement would have lost them money. There will likely be little that will come of that now, since anyone questioning is racist. Cause literally everyone knew the WFP was headed up by two black people.

It’s too late at this point. They’ve shifted the narrative. Their shithead, careerist supporters have been gaslighting and deflecting the whole week. They’ve hitched Bernie’s campaign random Twitter people to avenge a grudge against Shaun King. 

Fucking please. I have to give it to them, because they crafted this narrative perfectly. They hid behind the racism shield the minute they started feeling the heat, and their National Director embarrassed himself on cable news.

Kind of a weird take on this news, but okay. 

Where does your capitalist government fit in a finite world? What happens physical constraints make profit impossible? When you’ve squeezed all you can out of both the third world and working class of the first world?

And yet there’s a candidate who has committed to not taking their money who in some polls is leading. It’s probably because he is confident that his diverse coalition of grassroots supporters can carry him the general, whereas one of his opponents is mostly a collection of white women from the professional class.

This professional white woman (i.e. Warren’s base), detailed the following criticisms of Elizabeth Warren:

Elizabeth Warren is eminently qualified to shake these entities until enough money falls out to start and continue to pay for the Green New Deal, health care for everybody, and a couple of other things we need really badly.”

Criticizing corporations isn’t inherently anti-capitalist. Small businesses owners can be some of the most exploitative tyrants around. Besides, she’s willing to take corporate money in the general, so she’s already compromised in that sense.

Bernie comes the closest. He's the compromise candidate for leftists. 

A large part of Warren’s defection to the Democratic party was her belief that Republicans weren’t advocating for fair, free markets under capitalism. She has no qualms with an economic system that is inherently exploitative even under the best conditions. She has described her self as a “capitalist to [her] bones”.

Warren voted for massive increases in military spending during the Trump era and has expressed a desire for a “greener” military. Sanders doesn't have a record on foreign policy, but that is one of the primary reasons I'd support him over Warren. Add on her xenophobic comments on Palestinians, and that pretty much

“Not enough” is ultimately my sentiment toward people who support Warren. I’m sorry, but those of us under 40 want at the very least want a climate that can support agriculture. Warren wants to fumigate and slap a fresh coat of paint on capitalism.  That’s not enough.

Because Bernie is running. Is it that hard for you to figure out? Of course I’d take Warren over Clinton. I’m going to support the most left-leaning person in the race, and right now, that is Bernie by far.

Shitting your pants isn't a life-threatening episode either. I still wouldn't want to have it happen to me in front of an audience of millions.