
and the ultimate question, of course, why would these hot women settle for *you*??

I hated Sorority girls when I first hit college. In my head it was every conventionally attractive cheerleader type that goth little me was diametrically opposed to being validated post high school (after I'd drunk the kool aid that the popular kids in high school wouldn't amount to anything.)

No one asked for your fucking pity. I did not mention my Asperger's to make you feel sorry for me. I'm high-functioning, just like Rodgers was, and I'm telling you, if you're high-functioning the influence it has is minimal compared to other forms. It most definitely isn't a mental disorder in that form. He was lonely

And that's where the critical thinking comes into play.

This. Rodger told us this. He flat out told us why he murdered people.

My sister had to sign hers in menstrual blood, and take her weekly turn at walking back and forth in front of the windows in her underwear carrying a sign saying "I WON'T FUCK YOU, VIRGIN, YOU SUCK." It was hard, but she did it for the sisterhood.

Didn't you know? A slut is a woman who sleeps with everyone but you.

One thing I've noticed in heterosexual situations:

"Is it because the "dime pieces" are literally the only ones on your radars?"

what they want isn't "most women", though. They feel entitled to the size 4, white, rich, blonde sorority girl (80% of this or more is about looking good to other men!) and see the women they could actually get as "beneath them".... while the women they want, are so far out of their league that they're in orbit. If

Frankly, can we honestly protect against every black swan event ever anyway?

That's why I tell people to aim for the 10's just drop the entitlement. I was so bitchy to him when we met. I thought he was one of those dudes that likes to tell everyone how to workout cuz we're all doing it wrong. I didn't even think he was flirting with me! I'm 5'6 and a sz 16 some of his coworkers couldn't

I work in mental health, and based on the videos, this guy IN NO WAY meets the definition of psychotic. Angry, depressed, misogynist? Yes! But he is certainly not out of touch with reality. In addition, it's very difficult to hospitalize a person or force psychiatric medications on a person unless they demonstrate

I don't understand why guys like him act like this is a uniquely male problem. Women have it too. The guys we want often overlook us for better-looking women. Male strippers aren't lining up to buy me drinks. You can empower yourself by deciding what you're ultimately willing to do, and not willing to do, to get

Do you want to know why none of the women you have fancied have ever given you a chance? Because you are pathetic and don't deserve one. You think you're nice, but in reality, you're just as big of an asshole as the "neanderthals" your lady friends allegedly prefer. You want to know why? Because you befriend women on

The fanboi outrage over racing voiding a car's warranty is baffling. Do you actually want car companies to make cars that you can afford, that come with cool features like this? If so, then please quit bitching about voided warranties. Because all you are going to do is stop manufacturers from producing fun cars.

It probably was racist in intent, having watched TG long enough to infer their informal style of language. They are casually offensive to everyone. It's their schtick.

Also if you zoom in on his hand...something is not right

I'd say something like the Jaguar C-X75, with twin turbines and a hybrid powertrain

Yeah he sounds just like a typical Jalopnik commenter...