
You sir are a complete douche nozzle. You don't even have the redeeming feature of actually leaving anyone feeling as fresh as a summers eve.... nope, just the very nozzle of the douche. I guess those those kids stole your ability to function in society. Enjoy molesting children as that seems to be your thing.

Wondering where his priorities lie? Check out the front page of his website.

Cause we got Werner von Braun instead of them.

"It could be the remnants of a large alien mothership, as ancient astronaut theorists believe."

I left my Executive Pinstripe Suit Hoodie and my FU flip flops at the cleaners, you pretentious douche bag!

David X Cohen is the man!

If they eventually have to charge for the service as has been rumored, that's when the privacy issues will reemerge. Other social networks (maybe smaller ones that band together), will swoop in. They will charge less and respect your privacy. That's where I will go.

I know it worked for me at age 9!

I'm hholding out for Tim. If 'Frankenweenie' is as cute and endearing as the trailer makes it out to be, I think that it could let Burton be Burton again. No big actors, a story that freaked out the Disney execs when it was first made as a live action short, no big box office expectations.... we can only hope.

I have noticed many things. You fit the stereotype PERFECTLY.

I like to think her reaction is due to a raccoon clawing away at her clitoris.

Are you implying R2 was a transgender robot? 3PO maybe, well more than maybe, but R2?

We nom more by six am than most people nom all day.

Yay Nom! Noms for now, noms for later!

None of these cameras should be used for prolonged video shoots. The sensors in these cameras are not designed to shoot at high frame rates for very long. Eventually they overheat and the video falls apart. Just buy a video camera for god sakes.

"And it he went out in a blaze of glory." WTF? Talk about bad writing, this piece is a late term abortion of the English language.

Yes, and you seem to be defending both their stance on this issue and their inherit assholery.

Is she really six foot seven and a half inches tall? She should play for the WNBA. Maybe she could even dunk.

Wow. Aren't you a douche.

No, it's just more Irish.