United just needs to blacklist this guy.
United just needs to blacklist this guy.
Will.ur.not getting on this flight.
I should work for United PR...
I find the length of his arms incredibly disturbing.
It's always sad when this happens. The cartoon years.
Duh DUH duhduh DUH duh duh DUH duhduh DUH duh duh DUH duhduh DUH duh DIIIIE BIRONAS!
Are we just making up medical diagnoses now? I love that game! I call Lyme-induced Celiac Disorder!
Bob Breeno, everybody.
Breasts would like to apologize for their role in the cancer.
Girlfriend I always wanted to have, girlfriend I usually had, and then the one black guy at my high school just taking in all the white people around him.
Additional reports note that when Winston stole the soda in the July 2013 incident, the the soda in question was a bastardized amalgamation of Mr. Pibb, Diet Sprite, Coca-Cola, and Lemonade, known colloquially as a "suicide."
Minus the alleged assault, this is basically every meal with my family.
Do you have any outrage to ketchup?
Police believe that Dwyer, during the second incident, also took a shoe and threw it toward their 1-year-old child.
You're saying it's because she's an entitled WHITE woman.. Because, we all know that only WHITE women feel entitled, and berate other people.
So let's throw him over for Condi Rice. No blood on her hands...
Jesus, using powerpoint defaults for something like this makes it look exactly like a screed from a crazy person about how jews are running the global economy from the moon or something.
But those breadsticks doeee...
"It's pretty much my favorite."
I made a burner account to comment on this because I think this is one of the small but harmful ways that abuse gets dismissed, "The larger arc of their relationship doesn't fit the typical abusive relationship." The larger arc of my relationship didn't fit the typical abusive relationship, but that didn't prevent me…