
honestly, the comparison is offensive to anyone with common sense

As much as I despise Texas and the school for the way they want about this, absolutely nothing here seems right from that family. For one, the clock was basically a nothing thing in the first place. Two, the kid has gotten an absolutely insane amount of attention out of it. Three, they moved to fucking Qatar. Four,

HAHAHAHAHAH. Wow ok. How nice for you that you aren’t super sweaty and don’t need to use baby powder to keep you from sweating through your shorts! Awesome. Cool. Wow. Great. 👌👌

My neighbors, the other parents, my relatives, random people I meet whom I end up discussing computers with, all think we’re going overboard in the level of protection we are providing our son related to the internet. He’s 10. He goeth not out onto the internet, even for school projects, without one of us sitting

I said, multiple times, that this was my personal impression, with a note that I don't know what is going on campuses generally today. If you are looking for more than this in my comment then that is your look-out. I am not responsible for your emotions. I am not "blaming or shaming." I know people who attended this

I agree. I have always rolled my eyes at conservatives’ ramblings about the “liberal media”, but now I am really seeing it for what it is and I think based on the responses to my post, a lot of people are starting to feel this way. I don’t want to live in a country where we refuse help to those who need it (ESPECIALLY

Women who were actually with their male partners were also attacked. The attackers swarmed them and made sure they separated the women (and teen children!) from the husbands/boyfriends/dads so they could push them on the floor and sexually assault them while the husband/boyfriend/dad could do nothing to get past the

LOL #NotAllMen! (Hundreds of) Bitches be lying! Urgh. Grow some self-respect.

You think that hundreds of women are conspiring all over Europe to lie about sexual assault in order to stir up xenophobia? How is that not victim blaming?

really, so you think hundreds of women who filed complaint are lying?

Way to bury this story on the Sunday night of the Golden Globes, Jez. A+

Time to call a spade a spade. If it’s a cultural male dominance thing from N Africa, it needs to be said. Sweeping the issue under the carpet becasue of feels does no side any good. Especially the victims of these attacks.

Social justice sites are soooooooo scared of even touching this news with a ten-foot pole. Reality suddenly proved their narrative of “Feminist criticism of Islam is racist!” wrong and now they’re like a kid who shat himself. It’s pathetic, disgusting and cowardly. And I’m saying it as a liberal and progressive myself.

The Oktoberfest does not see sexual assaults on such a large scale. See

I would like to add that it was not only Cologne, Hamburg and Stuttgart, but also happened in other cities throughout Germany, Austria, Switzerland and in Helsinki, Finland. The German minister of justice stated the attacks might have been coordinated on social networks (note that there is currently no evidence for

The problem is that these Muslim men view western women as “sluts”, “easy”, “loose”, and all those other mean words we white men aren’t supposed to call women.

Another thing: I think that just as we rightfully point fingers at our own Western culture and how it has oppressed women and facilitated rape culture and violence against women in general, we have to be equally willing to look at those dynamics in other cultures.

Um, when was the last time 500 women (at least) were assaulted en masse in one night, in one place, by an organised group (or groups) of men? The Tahrir Squre gang rapes and assaults are the only one I can think of. The Puerto Rican Day parade attacks come to mind as well but they pale in comparison to Tahrir and

I actually have seen more comments like yours, then I’ve seen of people actually caring about women/condemning brown people. Everyone is chomping at the bit to say that we care more about this because “brown” people did it, when the reality is, no one cares about this! This has barely even been a news story. Yes, the

Religious and cultural background absolutelty matter because they are explantory factors for behavior. Period. You can isolate these things as causal factors without being a racist, Islamophobic asshole, but ignoring the fact that numerous women were sexually assaulted by a specific group of men because that fact