
yes, there is some obvious stretching

If I’m guilty of weak villianization you’re guilty of blatant over exaggeration. There’s no stretching when you’re stating facts. Before you start pointing fingers take a look at how you’re framing Sander’s stances. You’re as guilty as everyone else when it comes to painting the opponent in a bad light. Hypocrite,

All the states that were gimmes for Clinton (southern) are done. The states coming up tend to favor Sanders in the polls. By the way he won Michigan. You’re right it has nothing to do with super delegates. That was what Rep. Ellison was trying to explain. Sanders is still in the game

She was working as summer intern for Marian Wright Edelman. She posed as a white parent soliciting information for a total of 2 days in Dothan Alabama

no they were not. not even close. What motivated Clinton to organize a “pragmatic” 2 day strike was to prevent protesters protesting the MLK assassination from closing down Wellesley.

I would love to know how she helped the southern democrats. Please tell me. First let me define “Southern Democrat” -the conservative, Southern, white officials, supported by white Southerners, whose conflicted views helped define American politics for half a century. Also known as Blue Dog Democrats

you need to vote. it’s not over. He’s been raising more money. He’s winning states. watch this Rep. Keith Ellision explains the gap between Sanders & Clinton is not as big as the media reports. Super delegates are not pledged. The same thing happened with Obama in 08 at first Clinton had

watch this Rep. Keith Ellison explains that the gap between Sanders & Clinton is closer than the media reports

Yes, he is more prepared to combat social injustice. Why? The political parties, the media, the what have you want to frame this as a race issue. It’s not. It’s a class issue. And those are his main priorities income equality and education for all. Having a living wage and access to quality education from pre- k on up

try 110 degrees and then get back to me

understand that some people are dealing with 100 + temps in the summer. So all females that are dusting the inner thigh/ladybits are not doing it because they’re ashamed of their femaleness they’re doing it because it gets pretty damn swampy down there in that type of heat

The Virginia Beach/Norfolk area isn’t a good representation of Virginia itself. Much more diverse population I’m guessing that’s due to the numerous military installations. When you’re in the Hampton Roads area you don’t get that feeling of being in the south. It’s very different in other parts of Virginia