
In general, this is the case. But there are certainly striking exceptions that will give people pause. For example, the Federal Government’s refusal to study medical marijuana as a remedy for nausea caused by chemotherapy. Even now, studying marijuana for these purposes is vary rare and severely curtailed, and in many

In the Western world, women were the original discoverers, recorders, compounders, and developers of herbal medicine. Um, that’s just an historical fact. It was low-paying work and very poorly-regarded, even though it was essential to the community. In addition to property issues and general hysteria, it was one of

From what I can tell from the comments, if we use garlic or Vitamin C or Vitamin D to improve our health, we are considered crazy here!

Too bad no one ever sponsors them, pays for them, uses the correct formulations in them, or publicizes the results.

There were 2 reasons I chose our pediatrician, and it was based on negative Yelp reviews.

OK so first of all I would like to say that some people who work and worked at Charlie Hebdo are absolutely lovely and not assholes, but that’s beside the point, if only because there’s no proof Hyzagi actually ever worked there. One thing is certain though, if he’s the same Jacques Hyzagi I went to the Sorbonne with

I swear to you, when I read this I thought, “Yeah, French writer who worked at Charlie Hebdo. That sounds about right.” Glad I’m not the only one.

I was startled to see the Observer piece going viral when I saw the writer’s name because I actually was in a few classes with him as an undergrad at the Sorbonne about 25 years ago. He was already a self-important sexist prick who always told us he had more important things to do than whatever we were doing in class

This reminds me of when I worked in HR and had to occasionally fire incompetent male employees. Oh, the department- and company-wide emails they would send! Oh, the self-righteous speeches and threats of lawsuits! Oh, the invocation of their myriad unrecognized and unappreciated talents that no other colleague managed

Hyzagi, pioneer of schlong-form journalism ...

If only Trumpler possessed the same introspection.

And Wakefraud is free to put his bollocks up on YouTube for anyone to see. It’s not a film festival’s duty nor responsibility to show it. Had Tribeca refused it from the start, none of us would be the wiser.

it’s more important that facts are heard rather than uninformed opinions, and if you disagree you are a dangerous idiot who should not reproduce.

No, the “voices” that were “silenced” would belong the 10 infants who died from pertussis in California, my home state, in 2010, because they were too young to be vaccinated and herd immunity failed because people’s “personal beliefs” allowed the disease to slop onto the lives of others - oops, that’s “lives” as in

This. I don’t understand why parents have convinced themselves that autism is worse than measles, whooping cough, fucking meningitis, etc. To me, that is a horrible insult to anyone who has ever had to deal with autism in their life. I just want to shake these people and say that autism is not a death sentence. Not

I would personally love to see a documentary about the journalist who discovered his fraud. That would incredibly helpful and maybe prevent some people from being anti-vaxx.

The answer to your questions are:

The guy that runs Fark, wrote a book called; It’s Not News, It’s Fark: How Mass Media Tries to Pass Off Crap as News. It includes a chapter titled, “Equal Time for Nutjobs,” about how the media likes to give the opposite side of a story, even when it’s proven to be untrue for “the conversation,” when really they’re

the First Amendment does not apply here. This is a private film festival. The first amendment is designed to prevent the government from punishing or preventing speech and expression. An organizer deciding to pull a film from a festival has zero first amendment implications.

Well, good. Wakefield can go peddle his double-down propaganda piece on fringe cruises and to the tinfoil-hat crowd. The Tribeca Film Festival risked their reputation screening this dreck, and it seems that finally sank in.