I have reached out to Anna, but Network Solutions is the hosting provider, and they are an american company. They are responsible for hosting this libelous and defamatory content.
I have reached out to Anna, but Network Solutions is the hosting provider, and they are an american company. They are responsible for hosting this libelous and defamatory content.
honest to god, not sure why people are surprised at this.....Kim ain’t no dummy. She’s built an empire and us suckers keep feeding her money, so who is the dumb one now?
Kanya, on the other hand, consistently shows the world his hand. and it’s a crazy one.
I file stuff like this under “black men are still men,” ie, they might be marginalized for their skin, but they still treat women like shit.
And then said I owed him sex because of it. Kanye has really been into rape culture recently.
Exactly what I was thinking. Personal feelings about TSwift aside, how is a woman asserting herself and taking (deserved) credit for her own accomplishments something to mock or deem “insufferable”?
I’m from Cologne, and of course that was a terrible thing to happen. Nothing I’m going to say is meant to marginalize the experience. But things like this happen all the time. I have been grabbed and called a whore for rejecting advances all over the world. All my life. I have fought off a rapist, beat him up and made…
You know, I probably have a broader knowledge of both music and film than you do, considering I have studied each fairly extensively, and don’t restrict my tastes to a mere two decades of sound or cinematic style. Culture must get pretty repetetive for you.
Thank you! And while there were a lot of hurdles overcome in the 70s with regards to women’s rights (Roe v. Wade being one), that doesn’t mean that women didn’t have all the freedom all the time all of the sudden. And that doesn’t even come close to the discrimination women of color were facing at the time.
“stronger, more competent, and just simply more liberated” = “ignorant”
LOL. As someone who was alive in the 70s... no, people were not stronger, more competent or more liberated, not by a long shot. There is a reason punk happened, and it wasn’t because life was awesome. Poppers were cool, though.
Men were.
God, I’m so BORED with this shit. Another straight white baby boomer dude self-glorying wankfest (nostalgia edition). How can a single demographic be so endlessly entertained with itself! And so institutionally narcissistic that it assumes that literally everyone agrees on how fascinating every detail of their…
Thank you for reporting this by the numbers. I have heard some wildly exaggerated versions of this incident. On the one hand I kinda suspected that it was a small number of perpetrators responsible for a huge amount of harassment, but on the other I can’t understand the mindset of those people to seemingly provoke…
I kind of think it’s not just men making more after school either. I look at myself and my husband at university - his parents contributed a lot more because of an inheritance. But he easily made up the rest because his summer job was working in a unionized mechanic shop. I always had to work minimum wage retail or…
Bey didn’t almost fall - gravity momentarily forgot who it was fuckng with.
If nothing else, can we please stop saying that Beyoncé wants to be a white woman now? She’s not bleaching her skin. She’s doesn’t hate herself. Let this lie die a miserable death. Thank you.
Okay, since you mentioned this.
Maybe Piers Morgan should stop showing his ass all the time.
I’ve read all of her recording contacts, and it was fascinating to see how they changed as she was able to gain control over her career. I can’t say more due to confidentiality.
All the big pharma companies spend millions in lobbying and campaign contributions for the specific purpose of not having to do shit like this. Shkreli doesn’t have the political capital the big companies have, so he’s an easy target. It’s a sham of the highest order.