
That’s because you like a made-up face and live in a culture that lets you delude yourself otherwise. It’s o.k. to like makeup on people, but at least have the self respect to admit that instead of cattily assuming that the few times you ever actually see an un-madeup face then that person must be especially ugly

All the women you see in ads, tv shows, movies, fashion models, porn stars, bikini models, etc generally don’t look like that in real life (not just these women). I know, it’s heartbreaking to burst that delusional, chauvinistic bubble about female beauty, but you don’t have to be a dick about it.

The reason why this continues to happen is that women are not taken seriously, under any circumstances. Whether we’re looking for work, voting, shopping, having sex, basically’s hard to be taken seriously.

I make up pseudonyms because normally people want them and forget to ask.

this shit should be illegal. like if she had died i would want them tried for neglagent homicide

They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.

I nearly died of embarrassment! I wrote the whole thing saying to myself, “E in stationery, E in stationery” and got it right everywhere EXCEPT in the GIANT FUCKING HEADER ARRRRRGGGGG. It’s especially bad because I am a rotten speller, and I’m so sensitive about it and ARRRRRGGGGG. But thank you for letting me know so

honestly the women terrifies me the way no man ever has. honestly i think her biggest (same sex) contemporary is Tilda Swinton

That right there is a read, and a beautiful one at that. Let us bow to Mother Jones.

You’ll hear one day that she has, but don’t worry, it’ll just mean she’s finally formed a chrysalis and is taking on her next form.

1984. I was 15. The movie was Conan The Destroyer, and I never saw anything like her in my life......

It. Is. So. Lame.

What’s amazing is, he marked them down for something that he would never ever mark a boy band down for—and then gave them a bonus point for being girls. That’s how people devalue women while they think they’re being progressive.

She’s a phenomal performer and talent, like seriously. I am a trained singer (I know, I know) and don’t give out compliments on very many singing voices but hers is incredibly powerful and the emotion she’s able to (convincingly!) sing with is up there with Patsy Cline. She’s one of a kind and just the best out there

Excuse me, AWESOME outfits.

Probably won’t be a post but YES, that was adorable. He is her #1 fan.

That’s pretty gross. “Honest mistake”? I think not - this is how some men think of girls in this age bracket, especially in the entertainment industry, and it really needs to change. Good for these young ladies for standing up against this.

I think she’d have had a much easier time knitting a raglan if she did it top down, in the round, as one piece with no seams, but apparently she knit each piece flat and seamed them together. The progress pics I saw showed the neckline separate from the rest of the body, so the holes were probably from where she sewed

I was just thinking that I remember when those button-up skirts (corduroy!) and ribbed poor boy tops were all the rage back around 1994-ish. I have to say I am relieved someone else on here was around for that.

Anybody besides me remember when the 70s came back in the 90s briefly? It looked exactly like this. So this is basically the 90s version of the 70s come back to haunt us all.