
I’m a woman and I don’t bother to correct other commenters on other Kinja sites when they think I’m a man. I get treated much nicer on certain sites (*COUGHGIZMODOCOUGH*) now that I’ve changed my username to something more, er, aggressive-sounding than Guacamole.

Any excuse to post this.

I was at a PP for something that had nothing to do with abortion (gasp!) and jesus, those assholes let loose on black women and women who were obviously poor. I opened the door, told them to shut the eff up with their racist, classist bullshit, and to get a job. (The last of which is a line I hate but happily used it

Every woman I know who was pressured to have an abortion (whether she did or not) was pressured by someone who was “pro-life.” I wonder how common that is.

Jesus Tapdancing Christ: “given that the Little Sisters’ third-party healthcare administrator is another religious entity, one called Christian Brothers Services.”


My BFF works for the Court now; if she mentions seeing the collar, I’ll come back and let you know!

Right. Which is why this post says that very thing.

HEY EVERYBODY: I consider myself an expert knitter, but I have seen what it takes to do lace tatting, and it is a skill LIGHT YEARS beyond what I could handle. By which I mean, OH SHIT YOU GUYS, BELIEVE ME WHEN I TELL YOU SHARVIN IS REALLY, REALLY TALENTED.

No babies were harmed in the making of this PSA. Just pride and a favorite maternity top.

I read the whole post looking for a “<3 you Bleachie” and nothing!

Girl I feel like it! I’m gonna need about 18 of those hankies.

HEY THAT’S ME! I MADE THAT! True life, I cried a little bit when I got it in the mail, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen my father look at me with such pride.

I also think that it’s a lot of, like, white women in college who are just learning about feminism, and are all, “but it’s not FEMINIST to OBJECTIFY YOURSELF and wear SKIMPY OUTFITS and make songs about putting a RING ON ‘IT’” and so on. A lot of people who are still stuck in the second wave and don’t understand

I wonder how much of this is done to take away power from the paparazzi. If she’s putting all these pictures out there then it takes away from Star Magazine’s incentive to take creepy stalkers shots of her 4th of July party.

So if my choice is to do away with you, that’s my right?

You still have a choice: vaccinate your kids or keep them at home. You don’t have some unconditional right to a publicly-funded education while flouting public health measures.

This weekend an unvaccinated six year old boy was the first person to die of diptheria in 28 years in Spain. His parents rejected getting him vaccinated and now he’s dead. A vaccinated child is much better then a dead one.

Come on over here and I’ll kick you in the balls so hard they fall off and then you’ll get to be a lady and have ALL THE FUN WE HAVE every fucking day of our lives.