Dorian Mode

I wanted to say that I, a female, had a male partner who always came twice.

The producers of each film can submit any actors in the film for any acting category they want. It’s up to the Academy voters to decide if they buy that actor in that category. You could nominate someone with a 2-minute role for Best Actor, but nobody’s going to vote for them.

Few non-historians realize that one of the reasons that Christianity replaced the old pagan gods as the dominant religion is the fact that late-stage Zeus was demanding increasingly larger and larger venues for him and his band to perform. And if the seats weren’t packed and worshipers dutifully ecstatic by the

He is obviously referring to climate change, not the 2000 election. I have no idea where you get the idea that Gore’s approach to education on the subject has been superficial or redundant. An Inconvenient Truth is a deep dive into the science, and he proposes a sweeping overhaul of our consumption habits and energy

I am, despite looser restrictions in my state, subject to the old rule making of Jeffrey Sessions, anti-pot advocate and evil Keebler elf. I’ve never done drugs and I assume I never will. I wouldn’t judge my partner for doing them, but until it’s decriminalized federally, I’ll just be binge drinking to oblivion I

Ha, you said ass

Yes it does! The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, for example, taught me I should join the Navy. It’s called patriotism.

The sun has finally set on Laurel Canyon, yet the sweet sound still echoes in our hearts.

Funny, I was thinking the same about the lack of Dawes.

Has anyone else visiting this site on mobile been getting full-screen ads with no way to click away or remove them for a while now?


Fuck yes Los Campesinos! The most disgracefully underrated band of the 21st century. Doe to a Deer is a perfect banger for the depressive Christmas playlist. 

No love for Carly Rae? How un-AVC-like.

Regarding spelling, just like we have a ‘drive-thru’ and not a ‘drive-through’ so do new words in new contexts often bring new spellings, usually simplified ones. Ditto on ‘anti-vaxxers’ instead of ‘anti-vaccers’, ‘kool-aid’ instead of ‘cool-aid’ and so on. The word ‘cum’ has ‘becum’ pretty entrenched by now. The

I think so, Brain, but... burlap chafes me so.

I think so Brain, but where are we going to find rubber pants in our size?

me so monster, me so scary

See, now I want one country to commission a statue of a horse on a guy.

Separatism? In Mercia? But the separatist movement is tropical!