Dorian Mode

ambivalent. he’s ambivalent about his fame.

he does art, like every other teenager.

Leonardo leads, Donatello owns human beings!

I sympathize with Chris Hemsworth. I feel like my true talents lie elsewhere, but I’m too handsome and physically perfect to be used as anything but a leading man in tentpole action movies. 

We just say manager

His name is actually Herr Manager Peter Schuller.  Unlike Kim, he has a middle name and that’s Peter.  Translates to Mr. Manager.

Dear Savage Nobody,

“What’s, like, a really old age? I’ll put 42.

I wonder if any of the gaping performers ever get DMs like “I saw your gaping and I think you should get that polyp looked at. I’m a colonoscopy tech, also a fan.”

Savage Nobody, long-time reader. It’s a new year now. A new dawn has risen over a new beginning, a time imbued with promise and hope. So with that in mind: any chance you’re gonna stop setting warehouses on fire? Otherwise, I’m gonna have to get the police involved. 

I HATE these t-shirts generated by algorithms.

trick question. neither.

Vag vestibule and choke channel.

I’ve hardly seen ...Like Clockwork on any Best of the decade lists. Have people forgotten how good it is? For my money, it’s probably the top to bottom best rock album of the last ten years.

Carly Rae Jepsen was robbed, honestly

Not a single MCU album smdh

It smacks of effort.

Is it bad that my first thought when he said he wants to be “used by a man” is that I could use him to paint my fence 

I think it should be divided into “Alan Moore” and “Everyone Else”.